Saturday, February 7, 2009

Photo-Hunter: hanging bridge

my cousin Franzia
on a hanging bridge at Eden Nature Park in Davao

"The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn."

~ David Russell

a hanging bridge at the Forest Camp in Valencia, Negros Oriental

Posted for Photo-Hunt


Anonymous said...

I would love to cross that hanging bridge :)

Happy weekend!

jams o donnell said...

Wow they are such impressive bridges! Happy weekend

Carin said...

Hanging bridges are beautiful but I hate to cross over. They are so wobbly!

The Queen Bee said...

nice pick. my entry is a hanging bridge too. Hope you can check it out.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!! Great photos

June said...

Swinging bridges are hard to walk on, but oh so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is a nice one there interesting...Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

i will purposely make it bouncy by stamping :P

have a great weekend ;)

Chie Wilks said...

Hanging bridge scare me. I am even afraid to take first step. Anyway, you got nice pictures here.

Anonymous said...

it looks like a wonderful experience to cross the bridge

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Lovely shots, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I am not comfortable crossisng hanging bridges - especially the ones ways up from the ground endlessly gyrating with the wind LOL.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed seeing your photos. Hanging bridges are so cool! I love Franzia's pose in the first one.

Thanks for visiting mine and have a nice weekend!

Randi said...

These are such wonderful shots and very romantic!
Happy weekend!

nazeee said...

I am sure you took the right decision to cross this bridge... it feels great to be surrounded by nature

Anonymous said...

Hey a hanging bridge in Eden Park in Davao?? How did I miss that? I was visiting there last February 2008 and I never saw it.. I could have had a picture there too! :-(

I like the second photo of hanging bridge too!

Lene said...

This is really ecsotic for me. Great bridge and post :)

Have a nice evening :)

Marites said...

Haven't been to Eden for a while. I love hanging bridges! it's like a throwback from the olden days.

Sidney said...

Dancing on a hanging bridge...for sure she is not afraid of heights... :-)

Unknown said...

thank you, guys, for visiting. i love hanging bridges, and like anant, i purposely make the hanging bridge sway and shake.:D

enjoy your weekend!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

My legs going wobbly just seeing this picture of the bridge!! :P

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos but I would never be able to cross a hanging bridge. No sir!

You can find my Photo Hunt here:

JyLnC's Photo Hunt Please stop by if you have the time.

Pok Dell said...

The second bridge looks more adventure, with a decayed wood to step on.

abc said...

I hope your cousin didn't mind you swaying the bridge a little. It looks as though it's quite safe though.