Friday, November 5, 2010

Thoughts at sundown [SWF]

@ mirandablue
From the same spot on the roof, the sunset sky is different everyday.  The deepening colors, the cloud formations, the distant lights---they are constantly changing.  Couldn't help but compare it to everyday life.  Physical, material things and experiences are ever-changing. If you're in a bad situation, it'll change.  If you're in a good situation, it'll change.  And it came to we may learn something, so we may grow, so we could be aware of where our path is headed, so we could celebrate those seemingly inconsequential events that lift us up, so we could enjoy the time we have. 

These were taken on Saturday, October 30th, my birthday.  A couple of my friends came over and we enjoyed this fleeting beauty over beer and wine and jovial conversation.

@ mirandablue

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
-- Reinhold Niebuhr

@ mirandablue

Posted for Skywatch Friday


Sylvia K said...

Breathtaking skies and such a glorious way to end the day! I love the colors! Superb captures as always! Wishing you a beautiful weekend!


joco said...

Did you have your party on the roof too? That must have been fun.
Beautiful skyscapes amongst the skyscrapers.

Photo Cache said...

Jaw-droppingly spectacular. I simply went gaga over the second image with the skyline on the bottom.

Belated b/day greetings my dear.

genie said...

I wish I had been sitting out there with you and your friends with my little glass of vino to see this beautiful sight up close and personal. The sky was certainly putting on a magical show for all of you to enjoy. Amazing colors.

chanpheng said...

Beautiful skies. Love the skyline view! I've been to Manila but it didn't look this beautiful.

And Happy Birthday! Many happy skies in the future.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

Gorgeous skies!belated happy birthday!

s0rry seems to be the hardest w0rd

Anonymous said...

What amazingly beautiful skies!

Mridula said...

So much beauty and I am also a firm believer in 'this too shall pass.' Thanks for sharing these amazing sunsets.

And belated happy birthday to You.

MaR said...

Miranda: your thoughts touched my soul as I am going through difficult times and this gave me hope. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart!


indicaspecies said...

These are beautiful colors in the sky, thanks for sharing.

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a gorgeous skies's pictures! Love the skyline view too.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and nice comment.

Francisca said...

A wise reminder to live in the NOW, experience the flux of time and learn the lessons, Miranda, as you embark on another year. What a gorgeous birthday gift for you, and for you to share, this beautiful sunset over Manila. All the very best to you. said...


Anonymous said...

1st of all, Happy belated Birthday!!!

2nd - These are beautiful, I love the color & it really is amazing how the sunset changes every single night! God's work at its best!!! Beautiful!!!

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful sunsets. Maybe being on a roof gets you closer to the sky?
Belated birthday greetings. I wish you a good year instead of "happy birthday"!
You're right about situations and things changing constantly, and I love the serenity prayer.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words about our Montserrat pictures. It was indeed a very special place.
-- Kay

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Unknown said...

Thank you for visiting and birthday greetings!

Kim, USA said...

Belated Happy Birthday!! These skies is amazing. I just wonder how many people stopped and looked and just in awe of how the nature unfold so beautifully. Great shot and thanks for sharing!
My skies

arabesque said...

wow, can't believe we're just days apart! belated happy birthday! ^0^
I love how you compared life and the sky, sometimes you're on top, other times, you just have to have faith in yourself.
thanks for sharing these truly inspiring skies, to have a view like this everyday is breathtaking. ^0^ 'have a gr8 weekend!

Andrea said...

I think i've seen this before in one of your posts, the same skyline but of course different hue. You are living in a nice niche.

Cecilia Artista said...

Beautiful photos! I love the colors, it looks like gold!

Gabriela Abalo said...

stunning shots!!

thanks for visiting my place

Greetings from Uruguay

Linnea said...

That's one fab view from there! Belated birthday greetings to you. I guess that sky was a wonderful present!

Ebie said...

What a perfect celebration! The skies rejoiced on your birthday!