Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Love Appetizers

@ mirandablue
I love appetizers--both warm and cold.  Appetizers assuage hunger, and the small servings are designed to be savored, to be lingered on.  When I have time for an appetizer, I relish every morsel.  Loading up on appetizers is also my way of cheating on rice.:p

Before the main course was served, I munched on fried beancurd and jellyfish salad with century egg.  I love this beancurd at Mey Lin Pot and Noddle House---the texture is so fine, I thought they were mushrooms.  And the aroma and flavor of cilantro enhanced the vinaigrette sauce. As always, the contrasting flavors of this chilled, crunchy jellyfish salad and the rich creaminess of century egg are delectable.

@ mirandablue

Posted for Food Friday and Food Trip Friday


Unknown said...

looks so delicious..
I'd love to try... :)

Margaret Duarte said...

Wow, Luna. Amazing food, amazing pictures, amazing descriptions. You are talented in so many ways and have an effective way of sharing them.

 gmirage said...

I would love to try that. I like the seemingly odd combination of bagnet and seaweed, this too might be pleasing for me :)


☺lani☺ said...

Century egg and tofu, I'll go for tofu :), Happy Weekend!

maiylah said...

that beancurd with cilantro looks sooo good! am not a fan of century eggs, though, so i'll pass (though i'll take that jellyfish salad with me, LOL).

Photo Cache said...

I love appetizers. So much so that I'd rather have a few appetizer dishes than have a main course. I wonder if that's okay to do in a restaurant. Always wondered if that was fine, because I'd do that.

Tara said...

I am imagining the jellyfish salad...I've never tasted one yet. Great photo here M.

~Guiltless Grub

Viola said...

Oh- you make me so hungry now..! I'm going to put a pizza in the oven, fast, but good! :)

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Whenever we ate at resto, most of the time,I skipped ordering appetizer because it makes me full and miss my main course.

Unknown said...

wow, what a healthy appetizer...if that would be served in front of me, i'll order two rice please,:)))

Unknown said...

oh my entry was tnx.

Josiet said...

It's true about appetizers making me cheat on rice =)

Verna Luga said...

olalala, love century egg... this one looks delicious...can't find a decent resto in davao that serve jelly fish.

wait, I called off my class coz I was

My Food Trip Friday here

Chubskulit Rose said...

jelly fish salad, not appetizing lol.. Never tried that yet.

Spice Up Your Life

Marana said...

this looks delicious, i will try this


Madz said...

Can you describe how the jellyfish salad tastes like? Malansa rin ba? :)

Their beancurd is really good nga, even though yung fried beancurd pa lang nakain ko. In your first photo mukha ngang mushrooms. Cool!

wenn said...

i love appetizer too!

nuts said...

so appetizing! wanna try that too.. never had this in my meal, sana ma-try ko minsan.

♥peachkins♥ said...

parang gusto ko yang jellyfish salad..di pa ako nakatikim nyan..

Mel_Cole said...

Jellyfish salad? Sounds very tempting indeed.

My Food Trip Friday post

Dhemz said...

looks appetizing! I never had those before...ehehehe!

agent112778 said...

even thou that im not into appetizers, i do like to have a soup to start a feast...but the jelyfish sounds appetizing, i havent tried that

here's my food TRIP friday entry
here's my FOOD FRIDAY entry

Cheerful said...

great choice of appetizers...looks yummy! happy weekend! :)

Kero said...

my gaaaawd ngayon lang ako nakakita ng century egg. i am raring to taste! =)

Anonymous said...

Who would not love those good looking appetizers, specially that century eggs!