Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cascading water at Forest Camp - Watery Wednesday

Refreshing cascading water in a river at Forest Camp in Valencia, Negros Oriental.

The woods were made for the hunters of dreams,
The brooks for the fishers of song;
To the hunters who hunt for the gunless game
The streams and the woods belong.

~Sam Walter Foss

Posted for Watery Wednesday


Photo Cache said...

Out country is filled with beautiful little nooks that one can enjoy. The water images are so wonderfully captured.

My entry for today is here:

Oman said...

there is nothing like camping on a nature's ground. really make u feel that you are one with the nature. sarap jan.

Martha Z said...

Lovely stream, about now I wouldn't mind jumping in. Glad you stopped by my site.

Ebie said...

Yay! That's from my hometown! Valencia has its own geothermal plant operated by PNOC. I hope you had a wonderful time!

witsandnuts said...

I thought it's the same Forest Camp in Dumaguete. =)

Unknown said...

hello, witsandnuts! this place is just outside Dumaguete...approximately 10 kilometers from the city.

Unknown said...

hello, Ebie! really, you're from Valencia? it's a great town---so many interesting places to see, love the cool weather there! i enjoyed my visit.:D

Dagrun said...

That looks cold and refreshing! Great post :)

Anonymous said...

That's what we call real watery, lots of water out there. Great captures.

Regina said...

Nice one.

Arija said...

I am totally in tune with the poem, the swirling, gushing water and the forest. Lovely post.

Anonymous said...

These shots are fantastic! Very nicely shot!

Unknown said...

WOW !! Wondwerful captures, especially that first one !!

Foss's words are so beautiful and appropriate to these photos..

2sweetnsaxy said...

These are beautiful! That looks like nature's own jacuzzi. :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful shots of cascading water!

Jim said...

Great cascade.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Amanda Guthrie said...

Your photos look so tropical and lush, wish I was there!

Nita said...

Your photos reminds me of my childhood days. We live near the river kung saan lagi kaming naglalaro, fishing, etc.

Mine is up as well. Hope to see you there!


Carletta said...

You've really captured the essence of the running water in that first photo! I really like it.

escape said...

bibong bibo pa ang daloy ng ilog.

Julie said...

Beautiful shots, I can almost hear the water.

Ladynred said...

Beautiful stream! love the water and it feels refreshing.