Developed by Green Renewable Independent Power Producer (GRIPP) with Greenpeace and distributed by Solar Electric, the electric jeepneys are part of a project that offers climate-friendly alternatives to current polluting modes of public transportation.
But I don't know what happened since the launching in 2007. As we can see in our streets, public transport still generally relies on diesel fuel. Good thing many taxis have converted to LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) fuel which is more environment-friendly and cheaper by 30-50% compared to gasoline. LPG comes from natural gas, a mixture of petroleum gasses like ethane and butane. The higher energy content in this fuel results in a 10% reduction of CO2 emission.
Recent developments with LTO (Land Transportation Office) look like the e-jeeps are finally ready to roll. In March, LTO has finally agreed to issue plate numbers for e-jeeps. This means that the manufacturing group and non-government organizations spearheading the distribution of e-jeepneys will make the "green" public utility vehicle available for sale to the public this year.
But I don't know what happened since the launching in 2007. As we can see in our streets, public transport still generally relies on diesel fuel. Good thing many taxis have converted to LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) fuel which is more environment-friendly and cheaper by 30-50% compared to gasoline. LPG comes from natural gas, a mixture of petroleum gasses like ethane and butane. The higher energy content in this fuel results in a 10% reduction of CO2 emission.
Recent developments with LTO (Land Transportation Office) look like the e-jeeps are finally ready to roll. In March, LTO has finally agreed to issue plate numbers for e-jeeps. This means that the manufacturing group and non-government organizations spearheading the distribution of e-jeepneys will make the "green" public utility vehicle available for sale to the public this year.

an overloaded jeepney in Lousiana, Laguna

With a population of over 90 million, the Philippines ranks as one of the highest carbon dioxide emitters in Southeast Asia with a total of 72.02 million metric tonnes each year.
I love your informative posts and unique photos, Miranda! Have a great day :)
I hope they succeed in popularizing the use of electric cars. It is about time. I bet the oil industry will kill it or at least, slow it down to the max.
I saw an electric jeep twice along our office. Were you able to ride it? how does it feel?
Your post made me miss being home and riding the jeepneys. Very Pinoy!
hello, upto6only! nope, i haven't tried riding on an e-jeep yet. there are e-tricycles in Serendra-High Street, i'd like to try it one of these days.:D
thanks for visiting.
thank you, Rosidah!
hi, bertN! i hope so, too. we badly need cleaner air in Metro Manila. and i hope this would push the oil giants to produce affordable "green" fuels.
i hope you didn't try riding on top of a jeepney, witsandnuts.:D
thanks for droppin' by.
Very informative post, Luna. I never knew about the fuel (lpg and etc.) being used by vehicles over there. Over here a lot of people, including me, are still using gasoline to power our cars, though, hybrids - gas and electric - are becoming popular nowadays.
the ejeepney is so cute. it's high time to convert to a renewable energy that is good for the environment. love the post.
the jeepney looks like a great ride! I could easily see it being useful in my town here in NJ
Hi nicely said that jeepney or any other green gas vehicle should be enhanced but need to work positively by the universal statesman or head of the countires, then only we can get break thru
You have got to be kidding!!! That is so cool!I wish California would be more pro-improvement for public transportation! Great post!
i missed this one. i should have attended it. i like those jeepneys using electricity. it saves a lot. but will definitely have a hard time driving that on mountainous areas.
hello, dong! the e-jeepneys would be more effective in cities with high CO2 emissions. in rural, mountainous areas, di pa naman siguro kailangan mag e-jeepney na rin.
So, How do I buy one? and where? Please email ASAP.
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