Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kwebang Lampas - Watery Wednesday

the mouth of the cave facing Puting Buhangin

This cave in Pagbilao Grande is known to the locals as
Kwebang Lampas. It is at the far end of a limestone cliff in a cove with white sand beach called Puting Buhangin. Years of wave action has sculpted this rock into a unique sea cave. It's length is approximately 10 meters, less than 5 meters wide, and the cavern is about 6 meters high.

I'm a bit claustrophobic---earthquakes and the fear of being trapped flash through my mind when I am about to enter a cave. But there's also a sense of excitement and curiosity. The fact that Kwebang Lampas is just a small cave and its two openings comforted me somehow. And its interior was not dark and creepy as the other caves I visited before. The water inside the cave was shallow so we stayed there, soaked, swam, took photos and bonded.

Puting Buhangin---view from the cave's opening
he's no syokoy (merman) :D
old and new friends
the other opening---facing the bay

Get virtually wet at Watery Wednesday


Norm said...

wow! love the breathtaking views, hehe daming syokoy taga makati ba yan sila, joke..

Ebie said...

Very beautiful pictures, the coves, the clear waters and your angle shots. Makes me want to take a little swim.

Anonymous said...

Must have been a fantastic time was had by everyone. I like the cave, I really should learn how to swim :)

JayAshKal said...

Great post as well as the last three photos!
In my list for places to visit!

Regina said...

It's so beautiful. I like to see that place.
Good shots.
Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cove there Miranda, i wish to visit Pagbilao one day. I passed by it on my latest road trip but didn't have much time for a stop over.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful colors in the first picture. And, I love the view looking out.

Tulip said...

awesome entries. how i love to swim in the cave as well.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Wow, what beautiful shots. The cave looks amazing. How wonderful to be able to experience something like that. I like the last shot, as you captured the end of your adventure.

mimi said...

pretty awesome view.

Shey said...

Fantastic series of photos! Bow!

Would love to visit there! *envy* :)

Tarolino said...

Amazing sights in your country. Truly. I'd love to spend a lot of time in a place like that. Wonderful shots too. Especially those taken from within the cave towards the light.

Caprice- said...

WOW! How cool is that!!!??? The inside of that cave is really neat with the water cascading down the rocks. How much fun did you have! I am so impresses that you got by your fears (as I would have) and went inside! It was SO worth it! Thanks for sharing your absolutely awesome pics of the cave and the bay. The colors are magnificent!

Will said...

Great photos! The water looks so inviting. I like the way you found the nooks and crannies to photograph.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely photos. They make me want to be there!