These are photos of Fritz taken yesterday at The Fort. I wanted to bring him to Bonifacio High Street across the parking lot to socialize but he was afraid of crossing the street so we stayed at the open grassy parking lot. Good thing we had the parking lot to ourselves that Sunday afternoon. I delight in his silly moods, and his big, dark brown eyes looking up at me adoringly. He snuggled with me on the grass and we watched the sunset together.

hahaha! The best love affair is usually with your own pet! It never wanes...and they don't have hidden agendas either!
It's true love, Bernadette! Yup, no hidden agenda whatsoever...to Fritz, I'm perfect! He completes me! Hahaha
We have the same dog. Mine is Dilbert, a Shih Tzu/Jap Spitz breed. I used to have a labrador retriever (Enzo) but he died of heart attack when my friend loaned him to stud here two lady dogs.
i agree with nutart, a dog is the most loyal friend there is.
Poor Enzo...the 2 female dogs were too much for him.:D I would love to have a labrador retriever but my apartment's too small for such an energetic dog. Hugs to Dilbert!
You have a very cute dog and I like his name. Pretty cool. :)
I also love your shot of Bonifacio High Street for its balance and clarity. I also like the color and design of that building in the middle. I hope the establishment at the ground floor is not a restaurant for the building could pretty well house an art gallery for the way it looks. Very artsy in my humble opinion.
Thank you, Panaderos. He reminded me of director Fritz Ynfante the moment I saw him.:D White, chubby and cute. Haha
Sorry to disappoint you but the ground of that front building is a newly-opened restaurant called Kabisera. Next door is Starbucks.:D
hey again miranda, i was tagged to play a meme. i found it cool and quite interesting so now i am tagging you. hope you enjoy playing it 'coz we really want to know you better. good day.
Fritz is so lovable. I envy you! I used to have 2 shih tzus and about 10 Jap spitz but when they died, haaay, I didn't want to have pets anymore kasi big heartache.
I wish you and Fritz many happy days!
Love your sunset photo!
such a cute dog. you're lucky to have him and i am sure he's darn lucky to have you too. dog still on my wish list, later maybe.
i see lots of pet lovers roaming with their pets in Bonifacio High Street. they're all cute.
they say that people who love animals are very friendly people. are you?
Dong, Fritz is a bit shy with strangers, and sometimes he's anti-social. But he's always gentle. Say hello when you see me at Bonifacio High Street. I'm also a bit shy...for about 5 seconds! Hahahha
Yes, photo cache, Fritz and I are both lucky to have each other. He arrived in my life at the right time.:)
Oh wow, that's a lot of dogs, bugsybee! Yes, it's heart-breaking when dogs or cats that we love die. That's also one of the reasons why I was hesitant to have a dog before...a beloved dog died when I was a kid. Be brave and get a new dog...he or she would love your company.:)
Thanks for the tag, lawstude.:D
still don't want to socialize huh? Suplado Fritz! joke!
I would never forget this comparison of dogs and cats, I might have written it down here as as a comment too.
'Dogs will see you innocent even if you're found guilty...' Its the other way around for cats...thats why I love dogs more than cats...
He's a bit moody...sumasabay sa PMS ko!:D
I agree, Gizelle...you can do no wrong in the eyes of your doggie. Cats are a bit ungrateful.:D Maybe because they're more independent than dogs. 'yong tipong may pride sila and seem to be saying, "hmmmmp, you need me more than i need you!" sabay irap pa! hahaha
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