Friday, November 6, 2009

The cooling hour [SWF]

Softly the evening came. The sun from the western horizon Like a magician extended his golden wand o'er the landscape; Twinkling vapors arose; and the sky and water and forest Seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sky-watching over the acacia trees at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroes' Cemetery).

  More watercolor skies at Sky-Watch Friday


Keith W said...

Nice, tranquil picture. I like the music too!

Mridula said...

Beautiful pictures and beautiful words to go along with it.

i said...

Hello, thanks for dropping by and leaving a nice comment. Love your sunset shots! Fritz is a cutie!

Ebie said...

Love the harmony of the pinks and blues! Very soothing and calm and a beautiful weather creating the great skies!

Carletta said...

Love the quote - 'colors mingling together' and soothing the soul at days end.
Beautiful images!
Carletta’s Captures.

Jeanny said...

lovely skies, so serene :)

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Beautiful sunset, and well captured. Love that Longfellow quote too.

Al said...

Your quote made me smile. Beautiful.

Sunshinelene said...

lovely shots! that's a nice color when surrounding it almost look like it's going to cry. :)

happy weekend, Luna!


Ingrid said...

I feel on holidays, when I look at your skies !

XoXo said...

So dreamy skies here the colors.

WolfLupo said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Your shots are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

Bill S. said...

Beautiful picture of the sunset. I also watched the changing of the guard last spring while I was back east. Great experience.

Japa said...

Beautiful sky shots. Have a great weekend! I was late on my visit, have to fix blog due comment is not working.

Robin said...

Like magic indeed.

Sue said...

Very pretty colors in both shots!! The mix of clouds gives it a nice element, too! Great work!

Lew said...

Beautiful post on the end of the day! Longfellow quote is fitting and the sky mood fits the place where you took the pictures.

Unknown said...

Beautiful words alongside gorgeous pictures!

Carly said...

gorgeous sky!