This is my first PhotoHunt. For this week's "emotion" theme, I'm posting photos of my 3-year old niece, Eliza. These photos were taken during a family get-together in our grandmother's home in Bulacan. Eliza was in her usual happy self, showing off her dance steps, and her beauty-queen wave.

what was she trying to do in the second photo?
she was doing "the wave".:D like most of the girls growing up in this city, she likes to be on TV...gusto rin mag-artista! Haha i hope she'll change her mind.
thanks, dong.
That's a great photo hunt entry. :) Looks like we both chose to put our family in the picture. :)
She is adorable and cute. Nice entry. Happy hunting!
Cute little girl :)
Eliza is definitely beautiful.
Have a great weekend!
Welcome....Love the royal wave!!!
Happy Hunting. Hope your weekend is super.
So cute!
aaawww, she's so cute! Welcome to photohunt =)
Thank you, guys, for checking out my first PhotoHunt.
@leslie: family members are easy targets of a shutterbug like me. besides, they love to ham it up for the camera.:D
@genny: she wants to be in show business.:D
@julie: thank you. have a great weekend.
@snoopythegoon: thank you. as her aunt, i'd like to take credit for it.:D
@hootin' anni: thanks for the warm welcome. she's now mastering the walk to match the royal wave.:D
@kaycee: thank you.
Thank you, John.
What a beautiful little girl. She's absolutely gorgeous. Last week was my first Hunt, it's fun, isn't it?
She's really gorgeous, a lovely little girl and beautiful shots.
You have a very cute niece there! Nice shots. :)
That little one looks like a doll! Very pretty.
Have a great weekend!
A wave, huh>? Thought it was a karate chopping kind of action! ;D
And welcome to the Photo Hunt. Hope you enjoy for a while to come. :)
what a darling looking girl! Her strong features are sure assets but like you I wouldn't encourage show business.
Well, if she wishes to be like an Audrey Hepburn or Angelina Jolie, why not?! :-)
Thank you, Bernadette. Her dad would probably lock her up when she's 13!:D I wish she'd rather be a gene hunter or a bone detective. Hahaha
Have a great Sunday, my friend!
Thanks for the welcome, ytsl. I am already enjoying the hunt!:)
Hmmmnn...introducing her to Ziyi Zhang is probably a good idea! Hahaha
Thank you, Jenny.:)
syempre, nagmana sa tita nya!:D thank you, Panaderos.
She looks a lot like you!!! Very red lips pa...great pick for the theme! Welcome to Photohunt!
Hahaha I'm flattered, Gizelle! Thank you...your photographs have encouraged me to join.
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