Monday, July 26, 2010

Tricycle [My World-Tuesday]

In remote areas like Caramoan [where this photo was taken], in  town  and city streets where buses and jeepneys are not allowed to operate, tricycles are the most common means of transportation.   A tricycle is a motorcycle with a sidecar (a passenger cabin)---a local taxi-service with three wheels that will drop you off  at your exact destination.  Tricycles are commonly seen in inner roads, often for short distances.   It fits into alleys and smaller streets, dirt roads, and even in places where there are no recognizable pathways.  Fare is seven pesos (or about 15 cents) per person.  But if you're in a hurry and don't want to wait for other passengers to fill up the tricycle, you need to pay for the maximum capacity, and it's called a "special trip".

Posted for My World-Tuesday


Sylvia K said...

I love them! What a fun look at your world! Great capture! Hope you have a lovely week!


nonizamboni said...

Very interesting taxi concept. . .and a great photo which illustrates the tricycle nicely.

Photo Cache said...

I love riding in tricycles. I always choose the cleanest, newest, and ornately decorated :D

Julie said...

THis does look like a fun way of getting around, but the carbon monoxide might be a bit overwhelming. I like your photograph as it shows both man and his environment.

Indrani said...

That is great, special trip?! :)
Must be a fun ride. We have auto rickshaws here.

Penelope Notes said...

Such a non-polluting form of transportation! This is a very clever approach to local travel that reminds me of my childhood … except I had a tricycle that only had room for me. :)

Hilda said...

This tricycle looks so much roomier than the ones we have in our barangay!

Anonymous said...

What a delightful shot... and an environmentally friendly way of getting around.

BraCom said...

very nice capture

Enjoy your week,


Seen on My World Tuesday

lotusleaf said...

Beautiful photo. We too have tricycles similar to these in India.Thanks for visiting my blog. The flower in the header is Thunbergia mysorensis.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

that looks like fun...and a pretty good price too.

magiceye said...

beautifully captured!

Anonymous said...

Oh... the ever reliable tricycle. It will take you where buses and jeeps can't! :-) And yeah, this looks roomier than normal.

EG CameraGirl said...

The person who pedals must have very strong legs!

frankdphoto said...

what a great glimpse into your world

Reader Wil said...

It's a great means of transport! In Indonesia we often sat in a sort of tricycle with the passengers in front of the cyclist.

George said...

I like this picture. I've never ridden in one of these 'taxis', but I'll bet it would be an adventure.

Linda said...

That looks like fun and so cheap!

Eden said...

What a great shot and a beautiful scene! It reminds me of my hometown in Cebu. Love this picture.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

very economical, did people just built a cart and attach to a motor bike?

Joop Zand said...

Good picture Miranda

Have a nice weekend.

greetings, Joop

Lina Gustina said...

Very interesting!