Saturday, July 17, 2010

Triangle [Photo Hunt]

About a hundred meters to the shore, the water was waist-deep and too shallow for the outrigger boat.  This triangle-shaped, flatbed canoe carried us from  the outrigger to the shores of Cagbalete Island.  It saved us from getting wet.

Posted for Photo Hunt


YTSL said...

What an interesting shape for a canoe! Is this because it allows two people to row and one person in front to navigate??

FilMasons NSW said...

Great shot, the colour!!!

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow! I love the contrast and colors for this shot! Well taken indeed. :)

LifeRamblings said...

what a beautiful setting and an interesting looking canoe. great find for the theme.

Four-eyed-missy said...

That's an unusual shape for a canoe but served its purpose alright. I love this photo, very postcard pretty!

Say hello to Fritz from Max and Joe

Michelle-aneous Musings said...

What a great shot! I love the composition!! Thanks for sharing!!

Annie said...

This is such a beautiful photo. Love the colors and the perspective. Very cool triangle for the theme!


Ingrid said...

That's a nice and special triangle!

Marlene said...

That's a unique shape for a canoe. I can find peace in this photo. So calming!

Maya said...

What an interesting shape for a canoe. The colors remind me of the Spanish Flag

magiceye said...

this is so cool!