Friday, January 15, 2010

Picnic Grove [Friday - Finding Beauty]

I dug into my archives looking for "beauty" and look what I found! An afternoon in September at Tagaytay Picnic Grove, overlooking the Lake Taal and Taal Volcano. What could be more beautiful than seeing parents and their children flying kites and spending time together?

This picnic grove is a place to play and take it easy, where nature gives strength to body and soul.

Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.

~Charles R. Swindoll

My first post for Friday Finding Beauty hosted by Claudia at Dipity Road


Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Beautiful picture, it looks like the perfect place to spend the day making memories with little ones.

~Cheryl said...

This is indeed a beautiful picture, complete with a beautiful feeling!

C'est moi Claudette said...

Oh Luna
Just breathtaking really really beautiful on this very very cold day here in Canada.
Happy FFB
Love Claudie

pam said...

OH GLORY...such beauty. Your header reminds me of a tiny little island on the lake where our family has a cabin in Montana...our island has mountains jutting up behind it....but it still looks as peaceful as yours.

EG CameraGirl said...

Beauty indeed! Than goodness for the archives. ;-)

Anonymous said...

OMG....this photo does share a moment of pure beauty! I so enjoyed it! I hope your Friday is full of joy and more beautiful sights. Dana

Unknown said...

This is a beautiful photo of families enjoying God's beauty as it is reflected on the horizon.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Luna sweetie...
How absolutely beautiful this photo is. I love everything about it. The breathtaking mountains in the background, the kites in the sky and the families that you see sharing this beautiful day at a beautiful park. You can just hear the laughter in looking at this photo. I so adore it.

Thank you for sharing with me on this beautiful Friday. I have signed up to follow your blog. I can't wait to see what you share next. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow me as well. I love visiting new people, and making new friends. It is just wonderful to share with each other. Thank you my friend.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

ellen b. said...

What a beautiful scene that is! Love it!

Connie said...

Beautiful, sugar!!! My daughter-in-law is from the Philippines and my son loves to visit and golf there. Nice to meet you, chickee!!!

Shellbelle said...

I love the quote you used, along with the photo you posted. I wish that every parent could see this and take heed. Time spent with your children can go by so quickly and will they remember flying a kite with you or will they remember flying a kite while you talked or your cellphone?

Your post is beautiful and inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

Claudia said...

I continue to look at that lovely photo -- thinking what it wouldve been like to have been there. Amazing -- what a great capture of scenery and joy (children playing -- is there anything more fun?)

thanks so much for sharing and participating with us at FFB-- So glad you could!


Photo Cache said...

Postcard scene. You did good on your first post for this meme.

Beansieleigh said...

Oh, this IS a very beautiful picture!.. and I must say, I think your little Fritz, on the right here, is very beautiful too! (even with his collar!).. Happy Friday, and hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~tina

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful view!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful place to have a picnic or just sit and enjoy.

Kat said...

What a glorious photo. And the quote is perfect. Thanks for sharing this lovely post. Kathy

witsandnuts said...

My gosh, almost 2 decades ago na yung last visit ko dyan. ;)

Sidney said...

Great view of the volcano.
Indeed a moment of happiness captured! Well done.