Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Horny dog - Ruby Tuesday

Tired from trick or treatin' on Halloween, Fritzie, my horny dog, was resting by the candlelight---we had no power, courtesy of typhoon Santi.

Posted for Ruby Tuesday


Christina, Sweden said...

Great photo!!
You should put that on the swedish theme for today wich is illumination :-)
Her is the link, just put a comment and you participate!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

that is a great photo. I kind of like it when the power goes out. It would be kind of spooky on Halloween. I wouldn't like Santi very much though.

Hootin Anni said...


Mine's posted. "I came, HE SAWED, we conquered."

Here's the permalink to Tuesday's entry.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Pooch in candlelight,
you have had a tiring night—
many tricks and treats!

My Ruby Tuesday

Loree said...

Oh that is so cute.

Ingrid said...

That's a beautiful picture full of athmosphere !

Linnea said...

You've been getting hit by a lot of storms. Hope all is well. The lighting in this one is warm and inviting!

Sandy Trefger said...

Ha, ha. Very good Halloween photo for Ruby Tuesday! Love it!

Ralph said...

Fritzie the red nosed...dog? Tis the season to be jolly, and celebrating the season with your (reindog??) friend, and he doesn't mind the horns...I think!

storyteller said...

Marvelous shot ... perfect for Ruby Tuesday on the week after Halloween ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Terry said...

the doggie has such a sweet but sad face and my what eyes he has!
thanks so much for visiting my blog miranda..
i hope you had a happy ruby tuesday!

Beats Making Center said...

Pinoy blogger? Cool. Funny your post took the keyword horny. When it talks about horns not the real word HORNY adult stuff. Bro can we have a friendly link exchange? I need inlinks and I hope it's alright. Mine is for adults and is doing quite well for now I'll be having lots of posts later on thus making you lots of inlinks too. http://porntubesiteslist.thumblogger.com and http://pinoyblogprofits.blogspot.com