Friday, October 9, 2009


Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. ~ Helen Keller

  Join Sky-Watchers from around the world


Eaglesbrother said...

Lovely Tranquil scene...also like your music on your site.


Elisabeth said...

Nice capture. I also like your inclusion of the Helen Keller quote. Thank you for sharing.

Camilla Elstad said...

Your picture looked so quiet and ppeaceful! :D Wonderful! Have a nice weekend ;)

Coffeedoff said...


Small City Scenes said...

So peaceful. I feel the contentment too. MB

Horsoon said...

Amazing sky shots! Love it :)

Regina said...

Hello Miranda! Great skies and shots.

Happy weekend.

upto6only said...

the sky is beautiful.

Tammie Lee said...

serene and lovely photos!

Anonymous said...

It is always the answer, be content with what we have...never asking for more than what we need. That is a great shot Miranda. Have a nice weekend always.

Greg Dimitriadis said...

What a glorious Skywatch!

Photo Cache said...

relaxing images. said...

what beautiful sunsets, and I love the silhouettes of structures... :o)

Carletta said...

Lovely dramatic skies!
Nice composition on the first one and I really could appreciate Helen Keller's quote.


Beautiful and peaceful, and so full of emotions. Love them both!
Thanks for stopping by at my blog!
Wish you a nice weekend!

Susan Ellis said...

Lovely photos of the transitioning light. Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!

escape said...

oh helen keller. the women who inspired the impaired. great reminder.

~Cheryl said...

Very beautiful and peace-filling! Thanks~

chrome3d said...

There was a lot of wonder in your skies and in the darkness too. A pyramid? It makes a lovely instantly regognizable silhouette.

P. said...

So beautiful.

Sidney said...

It looks so peaceful... life as it should be !

GingGoy said...

such nice sky pictures. i love time like these and hope and wait for tomorrow

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful scene and stunning colors in your skies. thansk for sharing.

Chubskulit Rose said...

so serene!

I am trying to generate some support for our daughter. I entered her into a Smile Contest, so if you could please cast a vote for her every day until October 31st it would be so much appreciated. To cast your vote, please go to this link. Please look for Jillian Rylie Cottrill. Thank you very much for all your help!

Celeste said...

Beautiful skies and well worthy of contemplation.

Kcalpesh said...

Lovely silhouettes on these skywatch photos! Nice shots!

- Pixellicious Photos

Kirigalpoththa said...

Superb images!

annies home said...

love the paleness of the pink in the pictures

Charlene said...

Those photos are stunning!!!! I love sky & cloud photos. Never go wrong with sunsets or sunrises. Happy Outdoor Wednesday

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

Great photos and quote.

Krystal Kats said...

Oh wow I didn't know they had sky watchers! I love to take sky photos, These are very nice. Thanks for sharing.

Ms. Bake-it said...

Beautiful! So very serene.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful. I don't think I will ever get tired of clouds and sunsets and sky.

Unknown said...

I lingered... looking and listening... beautiful post...
Happy ODW
~Really Rainey~

Oh and the "Heartbeat at your feet" is beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

Mmmmmmmmmm, serenity!! Glorious photos. And I love the Helen Keller quote.

Mine today is the Annual Jazz Festival in town. Come by if you can. CLICK HERE

Have a glorious Wednesday.

Mary Bergfeld said...

These are wonderful images. Have a great day.

Ms. Bake-it said...

So serene and tranquil! Very beautiful!

Thank you for sharing them with us.

~ Tracy

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful photos and I love the Helen Keller quote.
Through Squirrel Eyes