Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fast cars [Photo-Hunt]

vintage Porsche 356

I am not a racing enthusiast nor a vintage car connoisseur but I admire sleek sports cars when I see one. We stumbled upon this array of Porsches at the Fort Strip after dinner on Saturday night. Their presence alone produced monstrous amounts of horse power there's no doubt of their powerful and fast presence on the road. The iconic red vintage Porsche 356, a highly regarded collector car, is obviously much loved and well maintained.

passersby admiring the silver Porsche 911

Posted for Photo Hunt hosted by TN Chick


YTSL said...

I'm not a car enthusiast myself but definitely can appreciate the sleek lines of those fast cars! :b

TeacherJulie said...

Wow, a Porsche! I have one in my other entry too :)

witsandnuts said...

I sometimes take photos of posh cars, too. I liked your new header. =)

Photo Cache said...

these cars are really handsome, and fast. no doubt they gobble up gasoline fast too.

happy holidays.

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow!! Those are some cool cars. Can I have one?? haha!

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! :)

jams o donnell said...

Ooh nice cars. I do like the vintage Porsche. Happy weekend and a happy Christmas to you.

Meikah said...

Beautiful cars! I dream of owning one vintage care someday. ;)

My entry is up.

upto6only said...

wow such a beauty. hope i can ride in one of those cars. hehehe

Ingrid said...

I wanted to post a Ferrari and then decided on the laundry, although one thing has nothing to do with the other, lol !

Momgen said...

They look pretty...Happy hunting...

Mine is here

Scott Law said...

Wouldn't it be fun to try those out and see just how fast?

Mine is here.

Carver said...

Beautiful cars and a great take on the theme.

 gmirage said...

LEt the carnappers away, those would be fast gone! :D Gaganda naman!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I have some FAST CARS too. Happy Hunting!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'll take the red one. Just charge it to my account. ;-)