Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Slim Santa [Ruby Tuesday]

Santa is on a diet, so don't leave milk and cookies for him! Centuries of junk food and snacks have taken their toll on Santa's waistline. He's been warned of his cholesterol levels so he's cutting on sugar, carbs, and alcohol. Leave him apples and some bananas.

"There are three stages of a man's life: He believes in Santa Claus, he doesn't believe in Santa Claus, he is Santa Claus."

- Author Unknown

These slim santas were designed by Weennee Lagdameo of Accent Pieces.

Posted for Ruby Tuesday


Tussy said...

What a cute idea!

My Bangkok Through My Eyes
You Got A Posty

Felisol said...

A bit late for me to think about the slim line. I've already put on 1 1/2 kilos.
From now on I'll stick to fruit, fish and poultry.
Never seen any green hooded Santa before. There is a first time for everything.
From Felisol

Sylvia K said...

A slim Santa! What a great idea! Impossible maybe considering all the food and fun of the holidays, but a great idea nevertheless! Fun post!

Have a great week and a very Merry Christmas!


eden said...

hahahaha.. those are cute. Great Ruby entry.Well, I already forget my diet starting last Monday. Parties and good food are everywhere..

happy ruby tuesday

eastcoastlife said...

The economy has been so bad that even Santa's affected. Now he can tightened his belt. :P

Inday said...

well it's about time they should put santa on a diet... i do wonder how he could make the sleigh fly on the air with his heavy weight.

great red chrissmassy colour here Miranda.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha, very encouraging to start a diet next year !!

Eden said...

Cute and very creative.

thanks for the visit

SandyCarlson said...

The big elf has been working out!

Hootin Anni said...

Those are so darned sweet!!!

My Ruby Tuesday is "Santa's Got a Brand New Bag"...HERE is the Permalink

Dimple said...

Now that's a new concept! No cookies? Really???
Thanks for the visit and comment!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I love your Santa Clauses. ;-)

Love the Christmas tree in the banner above, too.

Merry Christmas!


A.M.I.N.A said...

Slim Santa is a good reminder for us this holiday season......Thanks for dropping by and MERRY CHRISTMAS, kabayan!

Ralph said...

Santa may be rotund, but his recipients leave him too many cookies, and being polite, he accepts the gift of food, Perhaps all the sugar is what makes him jolly!

storyteller said...

What a delightful ruby post ... perfect for the season! Thanks so much for dropping by Small Reflections ... leaving your holiday wishes and the link back here so I didn't miss this one.
Hugs and blessings,

Patti said...

Cute slim Santas ~ I didn't realize the Jolly Old Elf was on a diet.
I'll have to remember that,