Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Keeping cool - Watery/Outdoor Wednesday

Ahh, the water is grrrrrrrrrrrreat!

This big cat loves getting wet...he was keeping cool after feeding on a couple of dressed chicken. Tigers are powerful swimmers, and like jaguars, they are at home in the water. Drenching and drying keep tigers cool during the hottest part of the day. They soak for about an hour then emerge shaking the excess water from their coat like a dog.

Ohhh, why do you tease me? Gimme that, or I'll have your fingers for lunch!

OK, take your dang picture! I'm so photogenic! Grrrrrr!

Taken at the Zoobic Safari

Posted for Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday


Sidney said...

Glad to see you did not end as his lunch ! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Tiger - one of the latest words my two year old son learnd to say.

A wonderful Wednesday for you.

Photo Cache said...

grrrreat post. what a cutie he is.

Ebie said...

He is a grrreat looking tiger, and he could devour too!

eastcoastlife said...

You were so close to the big cat! Scary. :)

Claudia said...

you are verrrrrrry brave.

Beautiful creatures all, arent they?

Thanks for sharing.

TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

Carolyn Ford said...

This is a beautiful post! That tiger's colors and the water colors are magnificent. Very impressive post!

Randi said...

Wow...so close! Great photos!

witsandnuts said...

I want to see one, but honestly I'm scared. Heehee.

Unknown said...

Wow - I've never seen a tiger in water. Love the first pic.

Momgen said...

Oh wow that is scary even to touch it. Happy watery Wednesday,.

Mine is here

Martha said...

I love tigers, especially love watching the in the water... seems so different than what we are familiar with in the habits of domestic cats!

Thanks for stopping by and your comments. The pearl divers were amazing. They had to be able to hold there breath for an extended period of time. My daughter has a collection of pearls from there including "twins", two pearls from one oyster!

Anonymous said...

Tigers are such beautiful, graceful animals. How interesting that they stay cool in the water. I didn't know that!

Hootin Anni said...

Tigers are the BEST cat around!!! You and I...we love tigers.

Happy Outdoor Wednesday...hope you can stop by to visit with me...I have lots of water photos today.

Ricepatty said...

Grrrrreat capture you were so close to him!

Shellbelle said...

Tigers are my favorite, such magnificent creatures, but I have never been as close as you were……YIKES!

Al said...

Yikes tigre! I didn't know that tigers could swim!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Great tiger shots...albeit scary.

Like the first photo..looks like the tiger enjoyed the refreshing water.

By the way, thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Nice playlist..I want to listen to it over and over again.

storyteller said...

Wonderful tiger photos here! Love the reflections in the first one ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

puna said...

Wow, where are you? In Thailand? I'm Thai!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a magnificent animal. Your photos are wonderful. Have a great Outdoor Wednesday and enjoy the holiday to come.

Chubskulit Rose said...

great series of photos here luna..

Have a glimpse of Japan at my place.

Ms.Daisy said...

What beautiful pictures of this fierce tiger! Love the fact that they soak in water (they ARE cats!) to keep cool! None of my kitties would ever do that! Thanks for these great pics!


LV said...

A delightful lion of a post today. That is different and I like it. Nicely done.

eileeninmd said...

Cool shots of the tiger, I did not know they like the water so much.