Friday, September 12, 2008

Sky Watch-Friday: sunset at Manila Bay

Is gentle
And not
A path
Of direction
For a destination
Is grand illusion
As pure silence
Is the source
Of home
The true
We measure
Not in distance
Only in the acceptance
That we are never alone.
~ by silent lotus

More sky photos from around the world at Sky-Watch Friday.


Enigma said...

Simply stunning. Thank you for sharing this beautiful image.

Anonymous said...

A fierce looking cloud that's looking pretty :)

Janet said...

Stunning sky!

AphotoAday said...

Now, that is dramatic...

Anonymous said...

The colors are gorgeous. What a great capture! Excellent SWF post.

Louis la Vache said...

What a fantastic Sky Watch image!

"Louis" thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

Mary said...

Stunning! Thanks for sharing. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Luna: Beautiful photo of a colorful Sky and a wonderful writing to go along, nice SWF.

Sandra said...

Amazing colors and photo. I like it, indeed.

nonizamboni said...

Gorgeous capture! And the words are thoughtful and delightfully compliment your photo. Nice post and thank you for sharing a bit of your world.

Photo Cache said...

What a glorious shot. Mine's by the water too. Hope you can come visit.

Craver Vii said...

Holy cow, that shot looks like a volcanic eruption! Amazing sky photo!

Anonymous said...

looks like a fiery man coming out of the clouds!

as always, manila bay has the best sunsets!

great shot! ganda!

Quiet Paths said...

Thank you for sharing the gorgeous sunset and the wise words.

Webradio said...

Bonsoir !

Le ciel est très joli, avec les formes des nuages...

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit here. I love your SWF post, and the poem. I write poetry as well, and particularly like pattern poetry -this one is really moving. Also like you banner image of the moon and grasses. Very nice blog!

Just a Texas Gal said...

This is awesome! I really like it. Thanks for stopping by.

Louise said...

The essence of magnificence. Excellent shot!

Anonymous said...

A very dramatic sky

Kyanite said...

Thats an amazing sky!

Neva said...

A very colorful sky.

Anonymous said...

Another sky on fire. Happy SWF

Arija said...

Wonderful sunset and poem. Quite delightful in fact.

Unknown said...

Thank you to all of you who visited my SWF post and left a comment. Truly appreciate your visit.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

beautiful sky and love the tiger above!