Friday, April 8, 2011

Kingdao Spareribs Salad

@ mirandablue
There was some gentle arm-twisting before I agreed to order this Kingdao Spareribs Salad at Hong Kong Emperor Seafood Restaurant in MoA.  With a wide selection in the menu, there were lots of seafood dishes to order but my pork-loving-friend needed her fix.  But I was pleasantly surprised at the first bite---the spareribs were crunchy outside, it's tender and tasty inside.  I also like the sweet sauce and the lightly drizzled Japanese mayo.  Not a bad choice, after all.:p

To celebrate with the rest of the Friday food-trippers, I checked my tags and this is my 88th FTF post.  My first FTF  was posted on May 22, 2009.  Now that's quite a lot of food.  No wonder I keep on gaining weight!*LOL*

Posted for Food Friday and Food Trip Friday

17 comments: said...

Yum! how sweet of you to indulge your friends wishes.

maiylah said...

that looks good! perfect with rice!
....nagugutom na ako. lol

Cheerful said...

you're such a sweet friend for finally giving-up to have that menu. anyway, that looks savory! yum! great you try! anyway, thanks for your visit, did you get your slice of almond chocolate cake! i hope so! happy Friday! :)

Tara said...

Yummy! it is so tempting...

Usba said...

mukha ngang masarap!:)

Hazel said...

When you look back and imagine all these culinary pleasures the weight gain may be worth it :)

lyzacruz88 said...

wow! looks yummy...wants some now lol!

Anonymous said...

Ay, super nakakatakam! I want that!

Thanks so much for dropping by Sassy Chef Recipes and Reviews!
I'm definitely a new follower and I hope you'll drop by again soon!♥

January Zelene said...

looks yummy...:)

Don’t forget to visit My Food Trip Friday wink*

Chubskulit Rose said...

Ahhhh sarap naman nyan sis!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Yours looks like the sweet and sour pork ribs that I always order at a local Chinese resto here, minus the mayo. Katakam-takam!

Enjoy your weekend!

We Ate This!

mommy Orkid Belle said...

Looks to me like it was a good choice! :) It looks yummy to me. I sure miss fresh seafood though. There aren't any ocean around where I live. :)

Adin B

♥ Willa @ Postage Journal♥ said...

Thanks to all 88 yummy post and counting!!!

Voting is now open ,so please invite your friends to vote for your post entry. Good Luck and Thanks!!!!

Unknown said...

What a scrumptious looking dish.

Chie Wilks said...

wow..that sounds perfectly cooked..would love to try looks super yummy!

visit from FTF: my entry

Liza said...

Wow!!! i could a lot of rice with that. that's what I would call 'katakamtakam!'

thanks for the visit - lui of Pinaywifespeaks

AC said...

wow! so chinese! would love that with rice!