Saturday, February 27, 2010

Daily [Photo Hunt]

When I went to the doctor recently, he reminded me to drink more water daily. I have been trying to do it, I told the doctor, but I always forget---and I need to make it a habit. Like most people, it takes a lot of effort for me to establish daily habits like exercise, drink more water, or write a "to do" list.

It's no different with prayer. Prayer, like most things in life, needs to become a habit to work for us. It took me a long time to develop the habit of praying. I am not religious and I don't actually pray the "usual" prayer, but I do "talk" to God on a regular basis--every night before I go to sleep, every morning before I drive to work, and a few times during the day---"grappling with life in Jesus' name". It gives me daily comfort.

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

- Dorothy Bernard

Posted for Photo Hunt


CRIZ LAI said...

Well, different people has different pace in getting used to good habit. Good Luck! :)

jams o donnell said...

I know what you mean about establishing new routines, I really need to make a huge effort to change even small things

Sidney said...

I am also a sinner in those things... as of drinking a lot of water... don't want to go to the CR all 5 minutes :-0

Photo Cache said...

Someone says it takes 30 days of daily practice before the habit (good or bad) sticks and it becomes second nature :D

 gmirage said...

Water does miracles....heed it! :D IMHO, praying should not be just praying, it's a way of life as is what you believe/religion. Happy weekend Luna...I love this pic, so serene as if stretching one's view to eternity...

jmb said...

Now that is something I should do too, thanks for the reminder.

Happy weekend to you Luna Miranda

SASSY MOM said...

agree... we really need to hydrate ourselves most especially this summer.

here's my entry

ipanema said...

i am guilty of the same. :(

its hard if you need to do it every day and you're not used to the's hard at first but eventually we do it.

happy weekend! :)

Carver said...

Beautiful shot! I used to be better about drinking a lot of water daily.

Anonymous said...

This is a thought-provoking post. Thanks!

witsandnuts said...

I think having a daily conversation with God is better than just praying. =)

bertN said...

My doctor said the same thing to me....I need to drink more water. It was not an easy task for me to do until I found a pleasant way to put more water in my system - I add a fair amount of alcohol in my drinking water.
My next meeting at Alcohol Anomynous is next Tuesday LOL.

bertN said...

My doctor said the same thing to me....drink more water. It was not an easy task for me to do until I found a way - I add a fair amount of alcohol to my drinking water! My next meeting at Alcohol Anonymous is next Tuesday LOL.