A taco lover will tell you that desiring a taco is comparable to an infant's need for milk, a smoker's craving for nicotine, or a shopaholic's hunger for shopping. You've got to have it---now! A confused taco lover may seek medical help, and any reputable doctor would tell her/him, with scientific certainty, that we are all programmed for tacos. From birth to the grave.
Fear not, a certified taco lover is not required to eat tacos everyday, only that he/she holds that the taco is the greatest of foods. S is protesting, asking where does this leave pizza? I don't have a response to that. I am focused on tacos.
May you never go taco-less.
oonga ano...frankly i only thought about breads and pies haha!yum!
Haha! You make me crave tacos right now!
I love tacos, but I am always afraid of eating it in a food place because I really haven't mastered the art of eating tacos yet.
My Crusty post for LAPIS is now up HERE. Happy weekends!
I can smell beef tacos right now. I miss the neighborhood taco store, Miggy's. I go to Pancake or Mexicali whenever I crave for tacos.
i just had tacos for dinner! I normally buy just the taco shell and make my stuffing at home; they're easy to prepare. love it!
Good to know Tia Maria is still doing business amidst new restaurants in Manila that pop up like mushrooms.:)
I love tacos too. What's not to like: crunchy shell, flavorful beef, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, cheese, sour cream, avocado...now I'm hungry for tacos.:D
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