Thursday, November 24, 2011

Spinaci Zola

An antipasti U and I shared at Cibo---Spinaci Zola, or spinach and gorgonzola (Italian blue cheese) dip with warm crostini (small toasted bread).

Join us at Food Trip Friday


Tetcha said...

What a great appetizer! I wonder how Italian blue cheese tastes like. Happy FTF! Here's my entry:

Chie Wilks said...

blue cheese, Italian or not, i always wonder how it taste like...and it is made into a dip? hmnn

Have a nice Friday! I hope you could visit over at my blog and have a slice of Cafe's Isabel's BananaCake

i♥pinkc00kies said...

I miss cibo :-(

kat-in-the-kitchen said...

Same question with Tetcha haha..Visiting from FTF. Hope you can visit back.

docgelo said...

we love cibo!!!
that antipasti looks delicious!

Out Kitchen said...

this looks yummy esp. the veggie.. happy FtF!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I Love those toastead bread!!!!

escape said...


Jessica said...

looks delish and will dip that bread my soup :-) Dropping some love for Food Trip Friday, hope that you can return the favor too.

Oman said...

delectable :)

Photo Cache said...

my kind of food.

Jama said...

Sounds delish!