Saturday, October 1, 2011

Calamianes: Covered [Photo-Hunt]

@ mirandablue
These are photos from my recent trip to the Calamian group of islands in northern Palawan.  In one of the white beaches of Coron Island, I spotted these Tagbabua lovebirds perched on the rocks.  The island is part of the Tagbanuas ancestral domain, and they make sure places here frequented by tourists are preserved and maintained.  They got the beach covered.

@ mirandablue
I walked the white sandy shores of Atwayan beach, and at the end of the cove, partially covered by  rocks, I noticed this woman washing clothes.  I wondered how she could wash clothes with saltwater.  I walked over and we chatted.  She's also a Tagbanua and she pointed to me the fresh water gushing between the rocks. 

@ mirandablue
This is Coron Island cove, the gateway to Kayangan Lake.  From Coron Bay, the cove is covered by limestone and granite rock formations, you wouldn't know it is there.

Join us at Photo Hunt


magiceye said...

this is such a lovely place!!

and no luna it is not a grasshopper on my post :(

jams o donnell said...

Wow that is so beautiful! What a place! I love the photo of the lovebirds under shelter. So sweet!

MaR said...

Such a wonderful place and beautiful shots for the theme!! enjoy your weekend :)


gengen said...

Oh boy that is a quite pretty...Happy hunting and mine is up.

rdl said...

beautiful shots!

Carver said...

Great shots for the theme and such a beautiful place.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful spot to visit!

Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots! What a fabulous place!

Jama said...

That's is such a lovely place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life!

Gattina said...

What a paradisiac place !!

escape said...

whoa! hands down to the last photo. ganda.

Marinela said...

This is such a beautiful place!
Really great shots!

LifeRamblings said...

a lovely place to spend the day. the cove is so gorgeous.