It's amazing these trees are still alive---but not for long. And yes, the oceans are rising! These uprooted trees by the coastline of Cagbalete Island are evidence of global warming resulting to shoreline retreat in many smaller islands across the country. Fisher folks In Cagbalete told me that their coastline used to be thriving with lush vegetation and a couple of meters away from the current shoreline. In the past few years, however, waves have been surging the elevated coastline during high tide, causing soil erosion, uprooting trees and slowly swallowing the beach-front. Clearly, a low-lying island like Cagbelete is at risk of being submerged by rising sea level.
Living in an archipelago of 7,100 plus islands, I was alarmed when I read the WWF report a couple of years ago that about 1,000 islands in the Philippines may sink because of global warming. Although the government has been calling for tougher goals in fighting global warming, everyone should do his/her share, or we'd end up losing one third of the archipelago and become environmental refugees. If we don't take this seriously, then we'd better start looking for another island, in case the one we're in would be written off the map in the next few years.

This is a very sobering sight and quite scarey! Those tree roots are simply incredible! Enjoyed your photos and the information!
I saw a report on the coral reefs - going from pink and lush to gray and dead
and these poor trees, their roots are heartbreaking!
humans are so arrogant in their treatment of the planet - I hope all our voices will get louder and louder
wonderful post, thank you
This is a very interesting and thought-provoking post. We can read news stories but it becomes much more personal when we can see pictures and read the experiences of ordinary people. Thanks.
Very interesting information you've shared and the photos are great. It's pretty amazing to look at.
Quite a grim forecast for our small islands. According to CNN, even some small coastline countries like Bangladesh and Guam can be submerged in the waters.
Btw, I really liked your photos of the roots.
This is a really interesting and informative post and the photos are just wonderful. I wish it could be seen by thousands. There are still so many who simply don't believe in global warming, or don't place it high on their priority list. Many of them are in Washington. But our President seems to be a believer. Please God, he will push hard.
Wow - that is amazing!
Living on an island like you, I've been thinking about this a lot. Thank you for sharing this informative post. Hopefully even more people will think green. Have a great week, Miranda :)
The only time I saw uprooted trees was after the heavy storm (I think Rosing) when I was still in highschool. It was an interesting yet scary sight.
Hi, Miranda
I just read your post and was once again frustrated by the fact that yours is one of the blogs I can't leave a message on. So I'm writing to thank you for participating. Your post is exactly the kind of thing I had in mind when I created the meme. How sad to see those huge trees uprooted like that because of the damage we've wreaked on the planet. It's been decades that these issues have been brought to our governments' attention by scientists and concerned citizens and it is way too slow to get moving.
I'm hoping that creating and keeping up this meme (it's going to be work) will include a lot of legislative action type stuff within the U.S. and hopefully people in other parts of the world can join in to spotlight efforts that are being made in their countries. Let's hope it spreads the word just a teeny bit.
I will specifically look for your blog when I'm back at work next week because I don't seem to have this problem on the computers I use there.
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