Thursday, July 7, 2011

Asparagus Bacon Tempura

@ mirandablue
I was faint from hunger when I got to MoA one Saturday afternoon after an extended meeting in Pasay City.  With lots of restaurants to choose from, I decided on Kimono Ken because I haven't tried them before.  Red Kimono is one of my favorite haunts at The Fort, and I don't know if both "Kens" are related.

I love asparagus and I love bacon--and a combination of both balanced out my conscience.:p I like the concept of a bacon-wrapped asparagus, problem is, the tough stems were included.  When I bit into the roll, it was like fighting with the stringy fiber--not a pleasant experience.

@ mirandablue
The overall taste was OK...if only the succulent, tender part of asparagus was included in this dish.

Join us at Food Trip Friday


kassidy's notes said...

wow...nakakagutom. it's lunch time here.

Photo Cache said...

I love asparagus and I love bacon, but I never had them together like this. Must be super delicious.

EG CameraGirl said...

I am a BOG fan of tender asparagus. Bacon? Not so much. :)

lyzacruz88 said...

Wow! This is a new kind of tempura for me...I love it :)

Anonymous said...

Well, there's always the fault of being too commercialized that they compromise quality for profit. Nanghinayang siguro..

Please check my FTF entry for this week: Kung Pao Chicken Recipe
Much ♥,
Sassy Chef Recipes and Reviews

Jade Samson - Diva Fabulosa said...

A great idea, I might try this one of these days.

Hope you can visit my FTF The F Blogger :) Have a delicious weekend!

Unknown said...

aww... would love to try that next time.. looks delicious :)

Happy Food Trip Friday!

hope you can stop by, thanks!

Tetcha said...

Asparagus and bacon, lovely combination, but I agree, Mommy, you would have enjoyed it more if the stems are tender. Happy FTF! Here's my entry:

jellybelly said...

Sinful bacon and healthy asparagus together? Gotta try it! Happy FTF!

Chie Wilks said...

wow,this is something new..i haven't this.

a visit from FTF: my share

♥ Willa @ Postage Journal♥ said...

Asparagus is one of my favorite, next to Green beans!

♥peachkins♥ said...

this is new... and a little bit healthy too because of the asparagus..

""rarejonRez"" said...

asparagus is my fave! i had some fried ones for dinner last night! this one i haven't tried yet! :)

I have some BIRTHDAY LEFTOVERS at mine! Let me know if you virtually want some! :D

Cheerful said...

something new to try! bacon and asparagus both sounds great for me! visiting from FTF, have a great week! :)

Dhemz said...

oh my! this is different....would love to try it!

Ola said...

This looks a little bit strange:)