Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wet Christmas [Watery/Outdoor Wednesday]

I am not wishing for more rain, certainly not on Christmas weekend! But we have been having cloudy skies and light rains so I am not discounting the possibility of a cold, wet Christmas. A real bummer especially when I will be driving out of town on Christmas eve.

"Northeast monsoon associated with moderate to strong northeasterly windflow affecting Luzon and Visayas. Diffused tail-end of a cold front affecting Mindanao," this is according to PAG-ASA. Thankfully, there is no tropical cyclone detected coming our way.

These watery photos were taken in early December at Bonifacio High Street while waiting for the rain to let up.


EG CameraGirl said...

So sorry it's rainy there. It might be rainy here too, say the weather people.

Anonymous said...

Hope your Christmas is a good one in spite of the weather!

Leora said...

Oh, you do have a lot of rain! But the bright lights of the city are pretty.

January Zelene said...

Sorry to hear that sis! I hope the rain will stop today until New Year. Even it's raining there I still want to greet you a Merry Christmas!

Jim said...

Looks like a flood.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Photo Cache said...

I love this capture.

WE are not getting any rain this Christmas after all. I hope you will have a dry one too.

Carolyn Ford said...

That looks like serious rain! Enjoy your Christmas!

Jama said...

We have been having intermittent rain too here in Singapore,better than the hot and humid day!

Marites said...

we have the same prayer. it's even getting colder by the day. Merry Christmas!

Light and Voices said...

It was snowing today in Illinois (U.S.A.) but overnight we are suppose to get rain and icy conditions. I am glad all our Christmas shopping is done. Tomorrow I hope to stay home and make homemade fudge and Mexican Wedding cakes.

Your images of rain at night are fantastic!
Joyce M

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Lovely street photography.

Sana hindi na umulan sa Pinas sa Christmas and New Year para mas masaya. Happy Holidays.

eileeninmd said...

It does look like a lot of rain. I hope it stops soon. Happy Holidays.

Hootin Anni said...

That's a LOT of rain...we get those kinds of storms here on the coast too.

I have a Christmas wish along with my usual Wednesday post today. [the Wednesday issue of posting is below my 'card' posted just for you....]


...for the permalink to my day's post, click here.

lazyclick said...

Beautiful shots of the street.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Sana nga di umulan para naman kahit toyo ang Christmas ng iba at least di malamig lalo na yung homeless.

Japan Sea.. Merry Christmas!

Al said...

Haha hindi tayo nagkita dun? Hope to bump you one time, invite kita sa house ko!

Merry Christmas Luna!


maryt/theteach said...

Luna Miranda, you're a winner of the Ruby Tuesday Giveaway. Send me your snail mail address in my e-mail (on my sidebar) and I'll send you your bookmarks. thanks so much for participating. Happy Holidays! :)

storyteller said...

Beautiful watery shots taken at night ... love the lights and reflections. Hope you have a Joyous Holiday no matter what the weather!
Hugs and blessings,
My Outdoor Wednesday
My Watery Wednesday

Seiko said...

Sorry to hear about that but you have a safe trip to your destination.

Happy Holidays!!

Lorac said...

Don't worry about the rain! You live in a beautiful spot and the lights are gorgeous! The weather is supposed to bad here too! Freezing rain is forecast all day!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Miranda!

Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. I liked the rainy reflections in your photos. We might be getting more snow on Christmas ...we had 15 inches last week!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Ever thought of rain as liquide sunshine ;)

May you have a wonderflul Christmas.

Oman said...

Fellowship, feasting, giving and receiving gifts are all the buzzwords in a Christmas setting. Make your Christmas a one to cherish for years!

witsandnuts said...

I miss the Christmas rain there. Not the kind of rain here in UAE na may pagka toxic hehe. Merry Christmas!

Dennis Villegas said...

Hi Luna! Wow, wet Christmas nga! Be safe in driving, dear!
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

bertN said...

Wet, Dry, or White Chritmas have a very merry one!

Inday said...

The moonsoon rain is a tricky business. I always expect that rain before the moon shines in full.

Miss that scenery ... I used to walk in that watery drench road years ago to go to work.