Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Floaters [Watery and Outdoor Wednesday]

Walking along San Miguel by the Bay after dinner one weekend, we passed by a crowded area with lots of children and their parents queuing to I-don't-know-what. When I inspected the railing, I saw these giant balloons floating in the pool with a kid inside. The kids in the balloons seem to enjoy it, bouncing around, diving, landing on their faces, attempting to stand but couldn't. Parents were snapping photos of their youngsters having a ball. My sister wanted to try it, but the gate-keeper told us it's only for kids. Does a kid-at-heart not allowed to have some inflated fun? :p


Coffeedoff said...

Wow that does look like fun!

Japa said...

Must be a very good "float" and learning experience for the kids inside the balloon. If it's affordable, many will do the same. Very nice shots too.

EG CameraGirl said...

I think it looks like fun too. NO FAIR that it's only for kids. ;-)

Liz said...

That looks so fun and exciting. I wish they'd have something for the adults too. Happy WW!

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Carly said...

These pictures are unreal! At first I thought that you photoshoped. It does look like fun, and they should allow adults to participate!

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

this could be really so fun.. saan po ba yan?
Nwei, have a nice day po =)

Ebie said...

Hey Luna, can I be a kid for one day an d play with that?

MaR said...

What fun!! and great night shots!!

Happy WW, mine is here!

witsandnuts said...

This looks fun. I remember our zowbowling, but rolls on the artificial snow (in Ski Dubai) and flat ground (Abu Dhabi).

eileeninmd said...

What fun, I've never seen this before. Great photos for watery Wednesday.

Martha Z said...

How cool! Looks like fun for the kids and fun for the adults to watch. Thanks for sharing.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my goodness what will they think of next?? You couldn't pay me to do that.

HappyK said...

Oh my goodness, I've never seen anything like that but it sure looks like fun. I wonder if adults would break the bubble! :-)

Mary Bergfeld said...

It does look like great fun. I've never seen anything like this before. Your photos are terrific. Have a great Outdoor Wednesday.

Caprice said...

Those shots are wonderful. I love the colors you captured. I agree, if you're a kid at heart you should be allowed to join in the fun!
Thanks for sharing- you're photos are always so beautiful.

Ricepatty said...

That is so neat I just love the kids in the bubbles - how fun for them! Just wondering how they get the kids in side????

My name is Riet said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Great pictures

George said...

I've never seen such a thing, but it looks like fun. How can we get an adult version going?

Light and Voices said...

Now that is the kind of swimming I would like to do. Just sit inside a balloon and go for a sail. What free spirited these children are and what fun they must have had.
Joyce M

storyteller said...

How fun! I've never seen anything like this before. Thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Happily Retired Gal

Icy BC said...

Those are just so very beautiful! The gold color is dreamy, and like they are in a fairy land..

Beautiful photos!

Michael said...

More fun in the bubbles. Looks great with the lights.

j said...

Ha! I've never seen anything like that but it does look like fun!

Carletta said...

That is so cool! I want to try too! :)

Round The Bend.

Gunilla said...

Great shots. They seems to have great fun. I have never seen anything like that before.

Thanks for visiting me too
Have a nice day


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great photos - thanks for sharing.

Ms. Bake-it said...

Discrimination I tell ya! I am a kid at heart and that looks like something I would do with my kids! What fun!

Thank you for sharing it with us!

~ Tracy