Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Smoke on the water - Watery Wednesday

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I thought there was a forest fire when I saw smoke descending from the mountains. When I realized it was fog, I was simply delighted.

These watery photos were taken at the twin lakes of Balinsasayao in Sibulan, Negros Oriental.

paddling the the twin lakes

Posted for Watery Wednesday


Maria said...

Beautiful photos! The water looks so peaceful.

Photo Cache said...

It looks cold out there. I like the glassy surface of the lake on the first image.

My entry is over at

Prospero said...

Miranda, I love the water in those shots. Do you have many mountains in the Philippines? I'm in Bermuda and it is relatively flat.

Anonymous said...

Greatly captured, really looked like a fire. Love the calmness of the water.

Anonymous said...

Wow....what a big lake and foggy too great missed the shots...good picture....great work Miranda

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Lovely shots and it looks so tranquil. A

backpacking philippines said...

a place i also wanted to visit someday...been to dumaguete but not there

witsandnuts said...

Beautiful! I remember there's something like that in Lake Danao (in Ormoc). We overstayed in the floating cottage for lunch that we lacked time to visit the area with smoke.

Marie Reed said...

I wish that I were in that little canoe with you! This looks marvelous!

Kathy W said...

Oh wow, beautiful shots. Very peaceful looking. =)

Regina said...

Beautiful waters. Nice shots

Ebie said...

I thought so too. I love the first photo, the fog is almost shaped like a heart. I was there in 2006, and I am from Dumaguete. May I correct you, that Lake Balinsasayaw is towards North to Sibulan, Neg Or. not Valencia.


Lovely photos! It really looks like fire at first, good to read it was fog! That is much more pretty!

Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

oh, yes, the twin lakes are located in Sibulan, not Valencia. we also visited Casaroro Falls and Forest Camp in Valencia---that got me confused.:D

thanks for catching that one, Ebie!

Cheri said...

Pretty spot - looks like the fog could alos be low clouds. We get that often in our mts.

srp said...

What a beautiful place.. just gorgeous!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, og is much better than smoke, isn't it!

escape said...

kala ko nga din usok.

2sweetnsaxy said...

These are beautiful and tropically eye appealing. I've always liked seeing the fog that log to the ground, hugging the clouds or rising off of the water. Very nice!

Unknown said...

hello, Prospero! yes, we have lots of mountains here, volcanoes, too.:D

i hope you could visit the Philippines someday soon.:D

Carletta said...

Those first two shots are gorgeous! Love the color of the water. Everything is so lush and green.
Very nice.