Monday, September 13, 2010

Calle Crisologo [My World]

No visit to Vigan would be complete until you walked through this street---Calle Crisologo at the Kamestizoan District.  It is a half-kilometer stretch of cobblestoned street lined with 18th century Filipino-Spanish architecture and replete with an old world charm.   While strolling at Calle Crisologo, look up and see the azoteas, capiz windows, ornamental ironwork and imagine young mestizas in  Maria Clara dresses giggling behind their abaniko (a hand-held fan).  The clacking noise of horse-driven carriage we call kalesa completes the ambiance of Vigan more than a century ago.

kalesas along Calle Crisologo
The old mansions at Calle Crisologo now house handicraft and curio shops, some furniture and antique dealers, pension houses and restaurants---I even spied a funeral parlor. We purchased a few touristy items here, also bought Abel-Iloko blankets---handwoven blankets known as Abel-weaving, one of the surviving traditional crafts in Vigan;  browsed through second-hand books, and had coffee at The Perfect Cup, Vigan's version of Starbucks.

Vigan City, the capital of Ilocos Sur and 407 kilometers north of Manila, has the most extensive surviving ancestral houses that dates back to the 15th century Spanish colonial period.  West of the city is the South China Sea, it is accessible by land and by air from Manila, Baguio, Laoag and other parts of Luzon.

old world charm
the most photographed street in Vigan
Calle Crisologo at dusk

This post is linked to My World-Tuesday


Unknown said...

gandang mga larawan:)

Anonymous said...

calle crisologo in vigan is one of my favorite streets i've been to.
i wish authorities will continue their efforts preserving such quaint place... na-miss ko na naman ang pinas!

witsandnuts said...

Ang ganda! Kelan kaya ako makakapunta sa Vigan?

Unknown said...

The photographs are just beautiful. It's nice to see how classic architecture still flourishes in Vigan.

I found your blog in Technorati. Glad to have visited.

Photo Cache said...

I never tire of looking at photos and posts about Vigan and Calle Crisologo. Kelan kaya ako naman?

EG CameraGirl said...

If I ever visit Manila I want to go the 407 kilometers north. This looks like a wonderful place to visit!

Sidney said...

I love those old houses... I hope they will maintain them.
Great captures...

Sylvia K said...

What a delightful, wonderful place!! And your photos are superb! I would love to visit there! Wonderful post for the day and a lovely look at your world! Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Fabulous shots of lovely architecture!

Jim said...

Quite interesting.

BraCom said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos

Have a nice week,
Greetings, Bram

My Word Tuesday post

Seen on My World Tuesday

Gwendolyn L said...

Wonder photos. You have captured the heart of this city. Thanks for sharing.

Indrani said...

Oh those souvenirs... I wish I could lay my hands on them. :)

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful old buildings. I certainly learned something new here today. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us.

Alberta, Canada

Reader Wil said...

A very unique walk, different from any other walk I did today! That's what I like about blogging!
Thanks for your visit!

Francisca said...

Ganda, ganda! I've been saying lately that I want to go back to Vigan. Well done, Luna!

Francisca said...

PS. I got so excited about your Vigan post I forgot to tell you that my HK friends go absolutely NUTS with joy over the inexpensive seafood in Manila. I think they come to my house to cook, not to see me! :-D

Ebie said...

Beautiful pictures of Calle Crisologo, and it sure has the feel of old town. A must in my to-visit list! Love the night shots!

Ingrid said...

How beautiful and interesting ! I didn't know that there were so many spanish style houses there.

Roberto Machado Alves said...

Very interesting post with great shots.


Halie said...

I don't comment much. But this is one post I can't help but say something about.

The photos are amazing! Thanks for sharing our wonderful country to people like me who haven't been around much.