
Friday, September 7, 2012

Downcast sky/SWF

It's not always sunny...monsoon rain and thunderstorms have potentially vacation-ruining effect but we pushed with our road trip anyway.  We braced ourselves when we laid eyes on the downcast sky along SCTex.  Scattered rain accompanied us the rest of the trip, we even stopped a few times in Zambales due to the road's zero visibility.  We were cocooned inside the car for 4 hours, eating potato chips, drinking beer and playing word games.:p

"Sometimes I wish that I was the weather, you'd bring me up in conversation forever.  And when it rained, I'd be the talk of the day."  ~ John Mayer

Linking to Sky-Watch Friday


  1. Beautiful clouds and fog!!! Not so good when it becomes zero visibility, though...

  2. Oh, Wow!! What stormy, dramatic skies and terrific captures for the day! They surely don't look like your usual skies! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. why am i not surprised the john mayer would say that?

  4. A great composition makes this a very good sky-post!

  5. Interesting quote and I love the dramatic sky shots. Happy Skywatching!

  6. Vacations have to take a back seat,until the gloomy sky moves away.

  7. Wow, what a dramatic sky! It does take persistence to push through when the weather is like this!

  8. Monsoon mist has its own charm! Lovely pictures.

  9. Very gloomy sky! But the mist is beautiful!


  10. I hope the designated driver did not drink or if he did, limited himself to two LOL.


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