
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lick [Photo-Hunt]

I wanted to be creative with today's theme but couldn't resist posting Fritz wearing his e-collar and caught licking his nose. This was taken the morning after our hasty trip to the vet two weeks ago. According to the vet, licking is a part of a dog's normal survival-oriented behavior. Licking their own lips, limbs, and trunk removes traces of the last meal that would otherwise begin to decompose and smell. Quite apart from the hygienic aspects of this behavior, it also serves to keep dogs relatively odor-free and undetectable from predators.

With Fritz, there is no doubt that he licks my feet and slurps my nose as a loving gesture.

Posted for Photo Hunt


  1. That is one adorable doggy! He looks really sharp and playful and fun, too.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Usually wear one of these because its been scratching behind its years and they do not know when to stop its normal for any body or thing to scratch if it has an itch. here in Egypt its the ticks that cause so much distress in the animals.

  3. How cute! I was thinking about posting a kitty but I had difficulty finding the folder that contained that specific kitty image I wanted to post.

    How was your new year?

  4. hehee nakakatuwang tingnan si Miranda...lick sya ng lick ahahah...I hope she's fully well now.

    Happy New Year to you!!
    God Bless!

  5. Aww that is a real cutie! Here's to a very happy and prosperous new year

  6. He's so cute! I've never had a cat that would keep one of those collars on. :-))

  7. Such an adorable dog. Happy new year!

  8. That bowl reminded me of my few cats.. haha! What a cute shot of Fritz. :)

    Happy New Year 2010!

  9. What a sweet dog! Your text explains alot about the uses and purpose of licking. I can see this with our cats. They travel light, because all they really need with them is their tiny tongues.
    Happy New Year!

  10. What a great shot of your adorable dog. Happy New Year!

  11. Cute pup. They do love to lick, everything and everywhere.

    Have a great 2010. You can check out my licks here.

  12. Fritz is so cute. I hope he wasn't too bad at licking himself. One of the dogs we had was so bad at it. I also had a cat that licked her hair off - thank goodness she got over that and the hair grew back.

  13. That's so cute! Happy new year!


  14. That's very apt! I missed last week's hunt. =( Was thinking of a dolphin photo.


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