Friday, June 10, 2011

Dusky glow [SWF]

@ mirandablue
The last glowing moments while the quiet stillness of dusk weaves music from light and water.  

Weightless as the warm breezes, I watched this poetry of silence cast shadows over the shore.   I held hands with darkness until only the music of the waves remain.

@ mirandablue
Punta Bulata, Negros Occidental
March 2011

Posted for Sky-Watch Friday


Photo Cache said...

waxing poetry at sunset - perfect.

Kim, USA said...

Breath taking sight. Is this in the Philippines?


joo said...

It's the part of the day when magic happens - beautiful!

Jidhu Jose said...


My Skywatch Friday

Sylvia K said...

What a glorious way to end the day and such a gorgeous capture!! You do find the beautiful shots! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Karen said...

Superb and beautiful prose.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous sunset. Iwould love to be there watching the sun setting in this beautiful place. Happy skywatching!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous sunset. Iwould love to be there watching the sun setting in this beautiful place. Happy skywatching!

Andrea said...

Hi Luna, lovely prose with the lovely photos. I wish you put the province too, so we can easily identify without searching anymore. Thanks.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Beautiful scenes for this week's Skywatch Friday.

genie said...

Your pictures are beautiful, but your words were even more beautiful in their own way. What a perfect accompaniment to the shots. Gorgeous spot to sit and just think about Mother Nature and the beauty surrounding you. I know you savored every minute you were there with your trusty camera. HSF-genie

eden said...

Stunning sunset.

Anonymous said...

Your words and photos weave magic!

forgetmenot said...

Beautiful sky, beautiful reflection. Excellent photo. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

Unknown said...

beautiful shots!!!


Laura said...

a glorious glow....beautiful!

bertN said...

Where was this pic taken?

LadyD Piano said...

Beautiful and relaxing. I have been to a similar place at Punta Chivata, Sea of Cortez. Thanks for stopping by.

fjällripan said...

Amazing sky, wonderful photographs!

Cildemer said...

Simply beautiful!
Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

Have a nice and happy weekend****

K Soucy said...

Gorgeous skywatching photos. :)

Regina said...

Wow peaceful and beautiful!
Happy weekend.

" Regina "

Carver said...

Beautiful, dramatic and colorful sky. Great shots!

thomas said...

Wow!Love the second one,it's just so beautiful.

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Great photos, lovely sky.

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Great shots of wonderful sunset !

Kel said...

i held hands with darkness that line and your second photo took my breath away

escape said...

it's really these places that surprise me, many times youve featured places ive never heard of. said...

W O NDERFUL HEADER your blog has''''gerat and passionte shots you show us this week
thanks for sharing

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the coppery glow! Very nice over water.

Icy BC said...

Beautiful sky watch photos! The colors are just lovely..