
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Adobong Kangkong and Baked Boneless Bangus

I was in the vicinity of WTC when I got word that I needed to fly to Cebu, pronto.  So I rushed to the mall to buy plane tickets.  Didn't plan on having dinner but traffic was horrible going out of the area--turned out it was the night Aerosmith had their Manila concert at the MoA-Arena.  I walked towards the bay area and decided to eat dinner while waiting for the traffic to ease.

I wanted fish and the waiter suggested Baked Boneless Bangus, it's new on their menu.  It was flavorful but  the flavors of cheese and butter were too rich and I didn't even finish half of the fish.  Good thing I ordered adobong kangkong---its pleasant tartness countered the strong flavor of cheese.  This adobong kangkong was quite delicious, so different from other adobong kangkong I've tasted before;  even better than my mother's adobong kangkong, or apan-apan as what we call it in Ilonggo.  Just don't tell her.:p

Linking to Food Friday


  1. I don't know why there is a need for cheese with the baked bangus. I love cheese, but I cannot marry the flavor of cheese and bangus in my head.

    I know of adobong sitaw, which my mom cooked for us, but I never heard of adobong kangkong. Ma i try nga.

  2. That dish looks good and yes I missed adobong kangkong! ^_^


  3. i wonder what made that adobong kangkong better than your mom's! hehehe. fish does look overwhelmed...i'd still taste it, though. :D

    appreciate much the linking and sharing over at Food Friday, LM
    ps. hope your Cebu trip went well!


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