
Thursday, August 30, 2012


I've heard of "ulang" since I was a kid but never saw one until a few years ago when I visited my nephews in Aklan.  My SIL bought live ulang from her neighbor who got them from the nearby river.   Ulang or crawfish  is freshwater shrimp with a big head, it looks like a miniature lobster, to which it is related.

I did the marketing recently and was delighted to see some fresh ulang in the market.  The vendor told me they're lobsters, and I told her they're not, but couldn't remember what they're called.  It was until I got home that my mother told me they're called ulang.  I read somewhere that crawfish is now commercially farmed in the Philippines.  

I love crawfish for its fleshy, succulent flavor.  It's also cholesterol-free and very low in fat.

I bought a kilo, sauteed it in garlic and finger chilies---it was smokin' hot and finger-lickin' good!


  1. Our "ulang" is shrimp in Mindanao. This looks like so good and I bet this was cook fresh. Here everything is frozen, the taste is different. ^_^


  2. The crawfish here in the US are very small. These look larger and more meaty. I love how you prepared them, simple and delicious!

  3. Strange how some vendors do not really know what they are selling.

    That looks really tasty! I wonder if they have them here in Bohol.

  4. gosh.this is killing me because I want to have some right now.looks sooooo delicious!

  5. Now I know what those big shrimps are called. Thanks for that info! I wish they're also available in the supermarket so I can compare them with the usual shrimps I buy.

  6. i saw some being sold when we had our vacation in Cavite..i had no idea what they were called but the vendor told me that they were freshwater shrimps.

    love how you cooked it; simple lang at mabilis! akala ko you added coconut milk (when i first looked at your pic), lol. :)

    thanks so much for sharing and linking over at Food Friday, LM
    so sorry for the very late visit....

  7. I didn't know it's called ulang. Interesting. I wonder what's the proper name of the 'cross breed' looking shrimp-crabs I tried in Laguna few years ago. I wish I took a photo.


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