
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stuffed Ham Chicken

A girlfriend had her birthday dinner recently with a bunch of friends at the German Club.  I had smoked salmon salad for starters (which I forgot to take a photo, I was so hungry!:p), and this was my selection from the main course---stuffed ham chicken in concasse sauce served with mashed potato.  I like the sweetness added to the tomato.  It was a great party with old and new friends.

Trivia:  Concasse, from the French "concasser", means to crush or grind.  This term is most specifically applied to tomatoes, with tomato concasse being a tomato that has been peeled, seeded and chopped to specified dimensions.

Join foodies at Food Friday and Food Trip Friday


  1. Good food and good company always promises a good time. That dish is very colorful!

    <a href="”>The Twerp and I</a>

  2. Looks so yummy to me:)

    Visiting for FTF- hope you can stop by..

  3. The concasse process sounds complicated but it the food looks yummy!

  4. This looks luscious. Do you mind to share the recipe for the sauce?
    Luto ni Nanay


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