
Friday, October 28, 2011

Calamianes: Rain-scented afternoon

We enjoyed a day of fair weather when we visited Culion Island in the Calamianes.  But as soon as we docked at the Coron pier around 4 pm, the clouds turned dark---rain was in the air.  People started to scamper for cover while the cool wind danced on the bay, sweet-smelling rain wafted through the harbor.  

These are snapshots from the Coron harbor a few minutes before the rain finally poured, and boy, it really poured!

Rain!  whose soft architectural hands have power to cut stones, and chisel to shapes of grandeur the very mountains. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~ John Ruskin

Rain or shine, there is always Sky-watch Friday


  1. Even with the dramatic clouds and sky, it is still a beautiful place. The scenery is gorgoeus. Great photos, happy skywatching!

  2. Gorgeous captures of the rain clouds moving in over the water. It is so interesting to see the changes in the formations throughout the series. Lovely photography. genie

  3. That's one place I always dream about. I wish I could go there soon! Nice pictures Luna!

  4. Oh that is pretty dark clouds. Nice shots Luna. Happy Friday!

    Bridge and Sky

  5. They're lovely photos, the sky looks dramatic but seems to be a great day to explore the island.

  6. Love that quote about there only being different kinds of good weather. :) Moody yet pretty skies here. :)

  7. Good job capturing the changing skies, Luna... and even with grey skies, Coron is beautiful. Your header photo is SARAP!

  8. despite the gloomy skies, i like the first photo for the boats!

  9. the skies are angry :) but it makes for a pretty photo.

  10. Love the gloomy effect of the clouds:)

  11. It was a long time since I visited your blog because I was away. Now I returned to visit and post on my blog. Congratulations on your beautiful images.

    Roberto, Brazil

  12. though i love the rain... i dont like it when im island hopping.


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