
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dirty job [Photo Hunt]

@ mirandablue
A dirty job...but someone's got to do it!  I hope they don't dispose it behind this wall.:p
A drive-by on the way to Clark.

My contribution to TN Chick's Photo Hunt


  1. I tip my hat off to sanitation workers. They really have a dirty job -- and I am ever so grateful to them when they do it well.

  2. Ewwwww. But someone does indeed have to do it.

  3. That would NOT be a job for me! *smile*

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Great take on the theme. I am so glad that some people take on those dirty jobs.

  5. That's a perfect shot for the theme. Happy weekend.

  6. Definitely a dirty job and dirty container. Great take on the theme.

  7. We had one of these port-a-potties on the property when they were constructing the sunroom. Once a week a truck came with chemicals and something to clean it.... I avoided the area.
    My take on dirty is here.

  8. We would be a lot worse off without sanitation workers. They deserve far more than they are paid

  9. A few years ago I had to call in septic cleaner to have our tank pump out.
    Sure glad to give them $100 or so to do it. Can't recall the price.

    I didn't do photo hunt this week like I usual do but I'm so reading and looking at blogs.

    Coffee is on

  10. Well done! The colors even go well together on that sign. ;) I'm thankful that there are people willing to do dirty jobs.

  11. hahaha... for sure there's something behind that wall. i hope it's not toxic.

  12. I hope they get paid good money because that is not an easy job to do!

  13. haha, i remember "malabanan, poso negro" numbers posted on many a posts:)

    also, natgeo tv on "dirty jobs"...yaiks!!!

  14. They are so cool I think I do admire and idolize them eventhough it could be a dirty work.....the passion is their through love of performing their responsibilities that are on their shoulders as a gift through their prayers.......Bosses I salute u all......and u earn better than us.....:):):) Hope I can get same job as u do ....:):):)


I'm glad you found your way here. I appreciate the time you took to leave a comment. *xoxo*