
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cards [Photo Hunt]

@ mirandablue
After leaving Hallmark for more than a decade, I still have some of the cards we worked on.  I kept some of the designs that gave the team the biggest headaches to remind myself of small victories.  The Manila office specialized in handmade cards in those days---we started receiving card designs from Hallmark (Kansas City) around the mid-90's.  Vendors utilized handmade paper and applied natural materials such as shells, twigs and dried flowers to embellish the cards. The card above was different because of the hand-sewn doll (to be used as pin or brooch) attached to the card.  The project was a nightmare!  The designer specifically wanted a curl on the doll's forehead and the blush should be perfect.  Because of the doll's size (about 3" tall), it was difficult to get a consistent curl or a perfect blush.  About 30,000 units of this card were shipped to the States---imagine the hair and sleep I lost on this one.*LOL*

I had a "thing" with a guy named Miguel many years ago, and here's what my friend who lives in California sent me for Valentine's Day!  

@ mirandablue
This V-Day card gave me a huge belly laugh!

Greeting cards with the sender's sincere sentiments can really brighten our day.  But with the advent of e-cards, it seems only a few people mail "real" cards these days.  I miss the thrill of receiving cards from friends.

Enjoy Photo Hunt


  1. You worked for Hallmark? Sounds like it'd be an interesting company to work for. :)

  2. Very clever takes, especially the last one. I'd love to rec'd a card like that :).

  3. Two wonderful photos you found for this theme.

    Happy weekend to you.

  4. Wow, I can imagine what those days must have been like! Cute doll and thanks for sharing the other card.;)
    Your post reminded me about HOW important it was to get/receive cards those days! Sadly, that's gone forever!

  5. It must be fun designing cards for all occasions.

    I too miss receiving cards and snail mail from friends. My pretty mail box is usually filled with bills and junk mail. :(

  6. Great take on the theme. I love the first card and the second one is so much fun.

  7. I love real greeting cards, e-cards aren't the same!! fun take on the theme, happy weekend!

    my card

  8. That last card is extra funny because of your story! My mom always said I should have made cards for a living because I made them for relatives when I was a child. It could have been something I could have made a living at, maybe!

    Have a good weekend. :-)

  9. Thanks for stopping in. I had trouble with this one. I do sent cards but the ones I sent I get from the thrift store. The store want so much for them.
    Coffee is always on.

  10. cute naman. when i was younger din, i have a major crush on gretchen barreto that my sister often gives me something that has gretchen on it. :)

    have a great day luna.

  11. alam na alam kung anong ipapadala sa yo. hahaha...

  12. How cool that you worked for a greetings card company :-)

    I do still send cards but I make them myself by using my own photos. My friends love them :-)

  13. does your miguel really look like that? macho! ;)

    Mom-ME time is up, please join :)


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