
Monday, February 21, 2011

A night at Star City [My World and Ruby Tuesday]

@ mirandablue
When my nephews were young, Christmas vacation was not complete without a trip to Star City, an amusement park.  My oldest nephew is now 21 years old and he thinks Star City is for kids.  So a pair of old-timers revisited this old hangout one Sunday night after the New Year to see what's happening here.  I thought the place would be deserted...I was wrong.

@ mirandablue

Kids with their parents were lined up for tickets.  Students, couples, friends, people of all ages seemed to conspire to be here that particular Sunday night.  It was also the Feast of the Black Nazarene, traffic in the Manila area was pretty bad.  Parking here was more thrilling than being stuck in traffic. I spotted some interesting characters such as the trolls above and these puckered cousins of Daisy Duck.

@ mirandablue
With all the snow I've been seeing in blogs, I wanted to experience Snow World, one of the attractions in Star City.  It's an enclosed area with ice slide, ice sculptures, an ice castle and ice all over.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to explore Snow World as I was inside for only about 15 minutes--couldn't stand the cold!  They gave us a thick trench coat at the entrance but  I was wearing flip flops, my toes were numb after a few minutes.  So that was the story of my short visit to Snow World.:p

@ mirandablue
We spent our time eating hot dogs, pop corn, corn kernels, nacho and potato chips.  I also tried my hand at target shooting but I was a lousy shot.  We walked around the park, and between bites, enjoyed watching people scream while riding the thrill rides.  I used to love riding the thrill rides, but now [I must be really getting old] I'm more concerned of safety.

@ mirandablue
Star City is not a big place.  In fact, I was amazed how they set up everything in such a small area.  It is located behind the Aliw Theater/MBC Building, at the CCP Complex grounds in Pasay City.

@ mirandablue

@ mirandablue

@ mirandablue

Posted for Ruby Tuesday and My World-Tuesday


  1. It does look like a fun place for the young people and maybe some older people too. I am like you, I do not like to go on the rides anymore. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

  2. I love this park with a variety of entertainment, foods, and illuminations.
    Thanks for showing your world.

  3. My kids loved to go there too when they were younger. Great shots.

    My entries:
    Moms...Check Nyo

  4. An amusement park needs to be colorful to attract the visitors. And we are not disappointed! The rubies illuminate the sky very well. And the plush toy prizes have wonderful rubies too!

  5. Lots of colour and light! I'm not surprised you couldn't take the cold in flip flops! I wouldn't be able to either. :))

  6. I've been to Manila several times but haven't been in Star City. It would be nice if with me are my nieces and nephew. What is carnival without kids. Happy Monday!

  7. I love Star City! I remember that the last time we were there, we won a big Nemo stuff toy. It was too fun even for adults like us!

  8. star city never run out of visitors, both kids and kids at heart. i like their aliw theater shows that lisa macuja offers. i also like bump cars and yes, snow world! but you need to tolerate the negative degree celsius inside to appreciate it.

    incidentally, we've been to snow world too at genting highlands in KL last december. its only edge with star city's the presence of snow balls you can throw and play with you family/friends. then the iron part of it, everyone's given a freebie of ice cream after chilling inside!

  9. Definitely a fun looking place and I can just imagine how the kids must enjoy it! I would have too -- years ago, make that many years ago, but they're still fun to visit even if you don't ride anything anymore. So colorful! Great shots, Miranda! Thanks for sharing the fun! Hope your week is going well!


  10. a perfect place for kids of every age.

  11. a wonderful trip down memory lane!!

  12. Looks like a fun place to visit. Great night shots with all of that color. Even though I'm getting older too, I still like the thrill rides. :)

  13. Oh, my kids would love to go there! What great night shots.

  14. I miss this place but as alwys, I dont hve the guts to take a ride... :D


  15. Nice place. Lot of fun for everyone.

  16. Sounds like a fun filled place for everybody!

  17. I have not lived through an earth quake. Where were you this morning? Glad you are well.

  18. Hi, Ann. I was at Starbucks waiting for my coffee when i thought i was losing my balance. everybody went very quiet....scary.

  19. It's nice to know that the amusement park you would go when younger is still bustling with people. Not riding on a hair-raising roller coaster would have been a wise choice. I would feel sick.

    Good for you to have been able to experience the world made of ice even for a little while.

  20. Your night shots came out very well … the kid rides do look tempting but scary! Flip flops in the snow are also a little scary … don’t blame you for the quick exit. :)

  21. more and more people go there. in fact we were supposed to go there during the christmas holiday but when we saw the line we ended up going somewhere else.

  22. When my son was a littel child, I took him amusement parks many times.
    I had forgotten that excitement for a long time util I read your blog.
    Luna Miranda, thank you.

  23. A place great for entertainment for every age!

    P.S. The Carballos' are here in my area, and they were at the fund raiser. I think Pachollo, the doctor is in Bayawan.

    Thanks for the visit, still on blog break.

  24. Did you ride on the roller coaster? It looks like a fun place for the young and young at heart.

  25. Very colorful captures! Thanks for sharing.

  26. I can't count how many times I've driven past this place, but nope, although I've gotten a thrill on some large roller coasters, generally these fairs don't pull me in. Looks like you had great fun, though, Luna, and that's just great!

  27. I enjoyed your post. I have NEVER liked these carnival rides...anything that high, like a roller coaster or ferris wheel!!

  28. Looks like lots of fun! I love your new blog header, Miranda.

  29. Some things just never lose their appeal. Looks like a fun place to go!!!

  30. I love star city, I was there before...
    Your newest follower,

  31. Too much fun there Luna~ It's always a party or something.

  32. My kids love going on roller coasters but not me! MB


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