
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sail away... [Watery & Outdoor Wednesday]

@ mirandablue
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

- Mark Twain

@ mirandablue


  1. That is one of my fave quotes that I try to live by.

    I look back at college and I do regret the things I didn't do - wasted opportunities.

    I've always wanted a image (#1) like that on my archives.

    Happy New Year

  2. Beautiful picture.. and the words are very true.. i liked..

  3. whoa! the beach that i love going back again and again. lapit kasi at maganda. even celebrated my year ender trip there.

    mark twain is my favorite author when i was a child.

  4. I adore beach scenes. Job well done.
    Joyce M

  5. Beautiful shots and lovely quote! I wish I was there now!

  6. Very interesting boats - the 2nd one seems bigger? Looks like a lot of fun! Wishing you a happy New Year!

  7. Beautiful pictures and words.
    Happy New Year!

  8. I was too poor when I was younger to do the things that I want to do and my son was too young. Now I can do what I have always wanted to do. :)

  9. Very peaceful place. Merry Christmas :)

  10. Beautiful photos. They remind me of my place in Camotes. Thank you for sharing.

    Happy New Year

  11. I miss that sailing thing. I used to do that when i was in our place in Pinas. My papa have the boat so miss it. WW!

    Mine is here

  12. Lovely photo taken in a beautiful place with a meaningful quote!
    Happy New Year.

  13. Lovely photos. I love any beach scenes anyway. Happy New Year.

  14. Very meaningful words...
    Awesome shots, Luna :)

    Happy New Year 2011, wish you all the best and thanks also for your friendship...

  15. Such beautiful pictures -- not ever visiting your part of the world may be one of my biggest regrets.


I'm glad you found your way here. I appreciate the time you took to leave a comment. *xoxo*