
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Private [Pribado]

@ mirandablue
Karamihan sa atin ay may kanya-kanyang pribadong santwaryo.  Isang sulok sa bahay o ligtas na lugar na pwedeng manihimik, magmuni-muni o magkape at magbasa ng walang istorbo.   May kilala ako na banyo ang kanyang dakong banal.  Doon s'ya tumatakbo kapag gusto n'yang mag-isip at syempre maligo.:p  Karamihan sa confessional ang punta kung saan pribado ang usapan (sigurado ka bang hindi bugged ang confessional?:p).  Ang iba naman dumederecho na para walang taong  makakarinig sa mga hiling nila.
Posted for Litratong Pinoy

@ mirandablue
Most of us have their own private sanctuary.  A corner at home or a safe place where we can spend some quiet time, meditate, enjoy our coffee and read in peace.  I know somebody whose private sanctuary is their bathroom.  It's his place of refuge when he needs to think or solve some problems.  Others go to the confessional where everything is private ( are you sure the confessional is not bugged? :p), while some of us pray directly so no man would hear our petitions.

For Thursday Two Questions:
1.  Where is your private sanctuary?
2.  Do you build walls around yourself, around those closest to you, and around your heart to feel secure?


  1. When you live with other people it's sometimes difficult to find a truly private spot. So sometimes it's in my office...or in my garden...or in the bedroom...or....

  2. beautiful pictures of private places. meron din akong friend na ang kanyang cr/bathroom ay parang library. maraming books and and magazines. if she cna't be found around the house she's inside that room. :)

    my answer to ur questions:

    1. my room is my bedroom :) the only place i can be myself.

    2. no. am a private person but i don't build walls. and even with lots of friends i really need my own privacy at times.

  3. Ang tahimik! My private sanctuary is my bedroom.

    Happy LP! ;-)

    Eto po ang sa akin:

  4. the throne is mine. i try to banish the bad vibes by closing in the door and turning on my laptop and I sit on the throne.

    after a session, i feel relieved and light, literally and figuratively L=)

  5. ako? masaya na ko sa tabi ng bookshelf lol.


  6. yan ang gusto, pribadong sanktwaryo. Saan ba ang mga ito? gaganda ng mga kuha mo. maligayang LP!

  7. My private sanctuary is my in my car. This is where I have many private talks on the phone or with my SO and kids. This is where one person can't walk away, because we are driving. Smiles.
    Yes, I do. I must. There are certain walls I have to build to protect myself from certain people so that I don't break down.

    Deep questions today Luna. Very well put.

  8. That first photo is so inviting for me. It depicts serenity and peace. It's just beautiful.

    1. My sanctuary is being in nature and specifically at the Botanical Gardens. I feel most at peace and in tune with my innermost self when I visit there. If I could, I'd live there :D

    2. No I never build walls around myself. Sometimes I get hurt by leaving myself so vulnerable but it's better than being closed off to the world.

  9. Napakasarap siguro umupo sa isang sulok at magmuni-muni

    If you have time, please drop by:

    Private Sanctuary

  10. i like the first photo sarap ngang magmunimuni duon bahay ba yun? kung sa bahay yun wow ganda.

  11. nice, saan yung unang photo?

    to answer the 1st question, gusto kong nagd-drive mag-isa, papunta sa malayong lugar. =)


  12. i have a couple of places where i feel safe and at peace with the world--my room, on a bench beside an acacia tree, a bistro table near a fountain.

    admittedly, i build walls--just to keep a safe distance, preserve the small silence and sometimes knock my head against it.:p

  13. @ iris, the first photo is part of an old mansion in San Juan that houses an antique shop.

  14. Lovely photo's so serene.

    We live in 360 sq ft so my sanctuary is the bathroom. I don't build walls around me . I am a flash and burn personality. I say what's on my mind then it's over.

    Loved your questions.

  15. Nice photos for good questions:
    1. I don't have any particular physical space I call my sanctuary.
    2. No, I have no walls. With me you get what you see.

  16. Hi Luna. I have many sanctuaries, some with and some without walls. Two of my favorite walled santuaries are my sun room where I take daily naps and my writing room with all my books and my two laptops (one exclusively for writing. My favorite unwalled santuary is the path around our property where I take my daily walks. It changes according to season, sometimes around bare fields, sometimes corn fields and sometimes oat fields.

    Yes, I do build walls around myself, but the people I love and the people who love me return all have keys to the door.

  17. Although I can't understand the text under the first picture but it's really beautiful !

  18. My sanctuary would be my church, but I haven't been back there for quite some time, confessional time? :-)

    I do think that I have walls around me, but they are foam walls and any person could just knock it down if they care enough!

  19. Being a 24/7 stay-at-home mom leaves me with few opportunities to find my private sanctuary. But, at the end of the day, then it would have to be my bedroom. There I can close the door behind me to anything that troubled me that day, slip between the sheets, and snuggle with my husband. I feel totally at peace in my little world.

    Nope, there are no walls around this gal. What you see, is what you get? I love life, I love people, I love being me! I'm an open book, a closed case, no secrets (maybe a few) to hide, I'm the real deal. =D

  20. My house named Heaven is my private sanctuary because I find a lot of private areas to "make tanga" b'0'd whether in my bedroom, the bathroom (the best) and my dogs houses (bestest ;-))

    I try not to build walls around myself but I guess the walls just rise up naturally! They help keep bugs out ;-)

    Hey Luna, my dog Sumo also blogs in Pinoy-speak with English translation provided by a duck, a leech and his pup Sweepy

  21. 1.first thing in the morning with a cup of tea, my Bible, prayer book, two cats curled up next to my on the sofa looking out into the garden enjoying the peace before the rest of the house wakes up.

    2. No I don't build walls - life is too short to that..

  22. 1) in my room in front of the PC / TV

    2) my life and heart has *sings* no walls, no walls , no ceiling, no doors *sings*

    eto ang aking LP entry

  23. Lucky you... you go to beautiful places !


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