
Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Pagudpud weekend [OWM]

No, I did not go to Pagudpud recently. This photo was taken more than a decade ago when my friends and I went on a road trip to Pagudpud for our summer holiday. This particular beach is at Saud Beach Resort.

I feel nostalgic after I saw this photo and thought about the good times we had in that road trip. About two weeks ago, we got together again after 7 years. A bit older and wiser, and happier, I hope. Jo came home from Canada with her 2 kids after 7 years; Marcel joined us for dinner with her 7-year old daughter. We laughed and talked about old friends, children, my dog, our lives, our jobs and the future. It was great to break bread with you guys again.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Technology [Photo-Hunt]

The REVAi, an electric car from a Filipino-company EVnnovations, commonly known as hybrid. Advances in technology have produced hybrids, the auto industry's solution to improve mileage and reduce carbon emissions that contribute to global warming.

Photo Hunt is hosted by TN Chick

Friday, November 27, 2009

Dark sunset [Sky-Watch Friday]

Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that slumbers, and things are not what they seem. Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art; to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, A Psalm of Life
Justice for the victims of the Ampatuan Massacre!

Join sky-watchers from around the world

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chinoy comfort food

No, I'm still not a vegetarian, and with only a few veggies that I like, mushrooms and broccoli are in my top five list. I love the balance of colors and textures as well as flavors of this vegan dish---3 kinds of mushrooms and broccoli flower with oyster sauce.

And as always, my meal is not complete without something spicy. Here's a serving of Salted Garlic Squid---delicately spiced with tasty Szechuan flavor. Enjoyed these dishes at North Park.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rain-kissed [Watery/Outdoor Wednesday]

Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head
with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

~ Langston Hughes

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birds [Photo-Hunt]

Part of our Zoobic Safari adventure last September was a trek to this bird sanctuary. My bird photos are always blurry--birds are challenging subjects plus the fact that my camera is too slow to grab focus (yeah, blame it on the camera!). Good thing these birds didn't seem to mind when people started taking pictures. They were probably saying to each other, "Here we go again...just pretend to enjoy it!" :p

"A wise old owl sat on an oak, the more he saw, the less he spoke; the less he spoke the more he heard. Why aren't we like that wise old bird?"

Posted for Photo Hunt, hosted by TN Chick

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ball of fire [Sky-Watch Friday]

I listened to the hush of this glorious sunset as Manila Bay bathe in the crimson evening glow. Like copper in the furnace, the horizon burns and the city eagerly waits for the night to cover its sorrows.

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. ~ Kahlil Gibran
Posted for Sky-Watch Friday

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Appetizing food platter

I love food platters---you get to sample various textures and flavors in one plate. This cold platter from Lutong Macau is a combination of jellyfish salad, century egg, soy chicken, roast and Szechuan pork. An appetizer and snack rolled into one scrumptious serving. Shared this with Sally while we were talking about our 2010 diet.:p

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Out at sea - Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

Just as the day was finally going home, these fishermen were going out to sea. What fate awaits them beyond the quay?

All good fishermen stay young until they die, for fishing is the only dream of youth that doth not grow stale with age.

~ J.W. Muller

Manila Bay, 11.11.2009

Posted for Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Music [Photo-Hunt]

Can you imagine dance without music, or life without music? It is a "sound through time", it gives us rhythm. Music, like dance, is an essential form of expression in every culture---both are basic parts of traditional and contemporary life. Lisa Macuja, a Prima Ballerina, also dances to modern dance music. Can you feel the beat?

Photos were taken in August at the Forum in the Mall of Asia. More about Lisa Macuja here.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach

Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals. ~Charles Baudelaire

Posted for Photo Hunt, hosted by TN Chick

Friday, November 13, 2009

Manila Bay moments [Sky-Watch, Friday]

One of nature's masterpieces---the sunset at Manila Bay. I was on chill patrol when the western horizon was brilliantly illuminated by this beautiful sunset. An exhilarating view from the water's edge, we were all dazzled by it's glowing tranquility.

a group of girls enjoying the sunset

"Because the moments spent there, that take your breath away, are what make you feel truly alive." ~ Stacey Charter waiting...
and finally, meeting at sunset

  Posted for Sky-Watch Friday

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pizza and munchies at quiz night

Spicy Chicken Pizza--wok-tossed spicy chicken, onions, red & green peppers and cashews

What is a world-popular dish of Neapolitan origin, made with an oven-baked, flat, generally round bread that is often covered with tomatoes or a tomato-based sauce and cheese? A French word, literally means "outside of work", served before the main courses of a meal. They're tasty little bites that kick the party off in style.

If you answered "pizza" to the first question, you are correct. And I'm sure you can pronounce "hors d'oeuvre" with a French accent before you take an exquisite nibble.

Spring rolls, French fries, "Asia-rish" calamari, sausages with grilled fresh onions

I'm just practicing---you see, we munched our way to Murphy's quiz night on Tuesday. We were hoping all these junk foods would turn us into brainiacs, unfortunatley (for us), the place was swarming with beaux esprits. As the Q-master said, the questions are easy, it's the answers that are difficult! If you're a quiz fan, or just want to burn calories by thinking and learning, check out Murphy's quiz night every Tuesday. It's a trivial pursuit quiz, consisting of eight rounds of questions on topics such as music, sports, geography, mythology and film. Come with a team to increase your chances of winning. It's fun, fun, fun---and the food ain't bad either.

My friend, B, seriously reviewing the sports quiz sheet. Our team, "Wala Lang" won the night's "kalabasa" award and we got drunk on free rounds of Margarita. :p

Murphy's Irish Pub is at V.A. Rufino (formerly Herrera) corner Esteban Streets in Legaspi Village, Makati. This is not a paid ad but an invitation to join our team--we need to win this thing!:p 

P.S. Don't forget to review your almanac before joining quiz night! 

Posted for Food Trip Friday and Food Friday