
Friday, June 5, 2009

Sky-Watch, Friday: Just another sunset?

Another sunset from where I run every Sunday afternoon, when it's not raining that is. Sometimes we take a lot of things for granted---things that are constant in our lives, like this beautiful sunset. We don't pay attention unless it's out of the ordinary. I didn't appreciate my 20/20 vision until I needed prescription glasses, for example. Today is a great day to list down the things I am grateful for that I don't really pay attention to. Please feel free to add to the list.

scented bed sheets,  remote control,  running water,  traffic light,  ATM machine,  instant coffee,  breakfast,  toilet paper,  postman, fruit vendor, window-cleaner, Chinese takeout

Now that summer is officially over, I would be missing this fiery sunset during my Sunday run. Well, I can close my eyes anytime I want and bathe in its glorious warmth all over again.

Posted for Sky-Watch, Friday


  1. absolutely gorgeous captures!!

  2. Traffic lights .... ???? What is the purpose... a red light is just a suggestion to stop... and most drivers don't stop at all :-)

    Anyway... I agree with you... we should be thankful for all those small things that makes life agreeable!

  3. hahaha Sidney, you're right...the red light is just a suggestion to stop. when a driver doesn't stop, i have the right to honk at him!:D

  4. Our summer will start this month and we will have late sunsets. Can I add scented candles? have a great weekend and I hope your catch your sunset in your Sunday run!

  5. to add to your banking, digital photography.

    thanks for the reminder.

  6. Toilet paper?

    Okay, I'll then add: bidet (LOL) and microwave oven.

    Have a great day!

  7. Ang ganda ng sunset mo. tindi ng effect :-)Amen to instant coffe and toilet papers aahaha

  8. Beautiful sunset. Nice captured.

  9. I just have seen a gorgeous sunset in the Sahara desert on a camels back ! I tell you that was romantic !

  10. And summer has just started here!
    Thank you I learned a new word to day through you menacing! - Now I know what it is.

    Sunset; yes sometime we take things for granted.

    Maria Berg, Sweden

  11. Beautiful sunset, quite dazzling.
    I could add to the list .... carpet under my bare feet.

  12. Wow, the flare around the sun is really something!

  13. Am thankful of blogspot and blogging friends...The sun must not be taken for granted, we can't live without it. :) Glorious sunset.

  14. love the sunsets..i so agree with u..we take a lot of things for granted

  15. Beautiful photos of the sunset...

    What glorious colours..

  16. Wow Luna! lovely lovely lovely sun shots!

    I'll add modern technology to the list...makes the world more closer...


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