
Monday, April 20, 2009

Cagbalete Island - Weekend Snapshot

Cagbalete Island. I was longing for some peace and quiet for the Holy Week holiday when I saw photos of this island in Dong's blog. Perfect, I thought. Not the usual Holy Week destination, and less than 4-hour drive from Manila. I found Villa Cleofas' website, called Ed, one of the owners, and booked a tent for a 2 nights/3 days stay. I slept in a tent in Malapascua Island a few years ago and wanted to experience it again---the back to basics sort of vacation.

This is what the shore of Villa Cleofas in Cagbalete Island looked like when we arrived around 10 am on Maundy Thursday. It was low tide so our boat was not able to dock by the beach. The water was waist-deep where the boat captain dropped the anchor and we didn't want to get wet, so we had to transfer to a flat boat that was pulled by 3 macho guys until we reached the shallow waters. We walked about a half kilometer to the beach.

sand ripples at low tide
Like my friend S who hadn't seen this kind of low tide before, a backpacker later told me that he was thinking of a tsunami when he saw the wide waterless sea. Good thing, he didn't panic.

the flat boat that carried us ashore

This is the beach early in the morning---the best time to swim, and explore our side of the island.
early morning high tide
late afternoon after our siesta
looking for treasures and enjoying solitude
pine trees growing along the beach
stranded drift wood
a lazy morning by the hammock

More photos of Cagbalete Island on my next posts...

Posted for Weekend Snapshot


  1. I love all shots though my favorite would be the one with the flat boat. :-)

  2. I love the serenity of the place, perfect place to have some peace and quiet moment. Have a great week!

  3. Such a beautiful place to contemplate Holy Week! Gorgeous.

  4. love the shots. i was curious of the place that's why i googled it. i might asked the husband to go there once he is home for vacation.

    thanks for the visit.

  5. Were you in paradise again? :D Beautiful shots! Postcard perfect!

  6. How much do they charge to pitch a tent? Do they have restroom facilities nearby? How about drinking water?

  7. hello, bertN! the tent costs 300 pesos a night. they have lots of restrooms, water for shower is not a problem. the resort has its own generator. there's bottled water at the dining area...we brought our own though.

    thanks for visiting!

  8. Every shots look so peaceful and beautiful. I am a little intrigued about the flat boat, my first to see.

  9. Sorry for the late visit. That looks like a lovely piece of paradise.


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