
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend Snapshot: hot Sunday afternoon

It was warmer than usual this weekend. Downcast skies but suffocating heat. I wonder where did the cooler winds go. Pag-asa predicted colder weather this weekend but it looks like temperatures continue to rise. Oh well, it'll be summer soon. How about a tall glass of iced tea under the shade on this hot Sunday afternoon?

I won't be able to visit your blogs on Monday and Tuesday because I'll be in Cebu for work. Will bring danggit for everyone when I come back.:D

Posted for Weekend Snapshot


  1. "Will bring danggit for everyone when I come back"

    I count on you for that !

    Wish you a good travel and good business in Cebu !

  2. What a wonderful photo
    Great shot ...

    Danggit huh??
    Parang masarap yata yan


  3. same with sidney. just tell where to pick it up. hehehe... good luck on your business trip.

  4. iced tea and danggit works for me. travel safe miranda. :)


I'm glad you found your way here. I appreciate the time you took to leave a comment. *xoxo*