
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A sparkling 2009

Traditionally, New Year is a time for an optimistic attitude, new goals, and New Year resolutions. But this New Year, however, we are surrounded by gloomy news. The global economy in crisis, layoffs, bankruptcies, takeovers, hunger, poverty, natural disasters, war in the Middle East…the list seems endless. I contemplated at the slow-moving traffic this morning and wonder what this year is in store for me. Fluctuating situations at work make it difficult to feel secure. My sense of what is worthy is shifting and I know I have to make adjustments to accommodate the changing environment in the office. There are times when I feel that my current life seems confining. I feel hemmed in by my job, friends, obligations, responsibilities.

But just the same, I believe it’s a question of choice, not destiny.

Now, more than ever, I need to seek out and create my own sparkle. I need to make goals and resolutions that will inspire and motivate me to expand my horizons and break-free from whatever limitations I have, literally and figuratively. I need to polish my skills, create opportunities for myself when it’s possible, and drop the "I can't" attitude. I owe it to myself to continue nurturing my sense of awe and wonder, revitalize my spiritual interests, get uplifted by inspiring people, places, and imaginative works---to allow myself to appreciate life to a greater extent.

Simply put, I’m rejecting the idea of an inevitable gloom this year, and seek a positive, shiny 2009!

P.S. The video was my first attempt at using my camera's video. It was confusing so please bear with me.:D


  1. Thanks for the show - i love fireworks! Happy New Year!

  2. "I need to make goals and resolutions that will inspire and motivate me to expand my horizons and break-free from whatever limitations I have, literally and figuratively." >> very nice way to start the year. i too will have the same goal this year. challenges may come, but ill do my best.

  3. You are right Luna, new year always bring hope and new opportunities for all of us. All we need to do is act on those new hopes and take action on the opportunities presented to us. Here's to a positive New Year to you and your readers.

  4. let's drink to that! :D thank you, FilMasons.

  5. Pretty! I love the refreshing feel of new years. :)


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