
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: red petunias

Petunias are colorful flowers in the Solanaceae family where tomato, potato and tobacco also belong. It has trumpet-shaped flowers that comes in a wide range of colors including pink, white, yellow, red, purple and mixed hues. They look wonderful in hanging baskets and window boxes. Petunias are normally propagated from seed, they are low maintenance and do well with plenty of light and sun.

The specie was discovered in South America in the 1820's by explorer James Tweedie. I found these petunias at the garden section of Market! Market! while looking for a cactus specie for a friend who collects cactus.

Posted for Ruby Tuesday


  1. Petunias are such lovely, bold flowers. I LOVE seeing them growing in pots and planters.

  2. Great photo of a favorite flower.

  3. What a lovely rich red they are! I think I would look good sitting in front of those too :O)

    Purrs, Sukie x

  4. Beautiful flower, so bright and colorful! You captured it well, Luna!

  5. at first look i thought it was gumamela. hehehe... beautiful indeed.

  6. That is an amazing red and it looks so beautiful with the green, just as nature
    intended. Lovely shot. Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

  7. aww! you beautiful little red petunia! hehe!happy RT!

  8. you captured their texture so perfectly

  9. My mom said petunias are sensitive. I doubt if i can make them grow. Lovely reds!

  10. hi, gizelle! i'm also trying to grow red and white petunias. the vendor told me it's low maintenance and grows even in hot manila weather (these are from tagaytay, i think). let's see.

    thank you, guys, for visiting!


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