
Friday, August 29, 2008

Sky-watching at 35,000 feet

“A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed...It feels an impulsion...this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons.”
~ Richard Bach

More sky photos from around the world at Sky-Watch Friday.


  1. How did you get that shot? Great thunderheads, nice capture. I always loved flying high over the clouds, very relaxing.

  2. SO lovely .. I can feel those clouds ... and I love your watermark .. thanks for visiting my sky!


  3. Very beautiful clouds! It's amazing!

  4. there is movement in this shot. very pleasant to look at. love the lighting too.

  5. Luna: Those are wonderful clouds shapes in the Sky.

  6. See you on top of the sky today, great capture.

  7. The last time I was flying was back from a trip to Florida. The ride THERE had been great, and the scenery was amazing, like the photo you posted (which is amazing). The ride back? Not so great. Lightning, and darkness. I wish I had had my camera on me, as this photo next to shots from that night would make an interesting juxtaposition!

  8. WOW! Need I say more?

    =D Luna, that is really a wonderful image, now I wonder, was that taken from the plane? If yes, then please let me borrow =D

    seems this part is so clean and clear!!!!

  9. Oh!Miranda,

    Beautiful clouds and blue sky!
    Are you flying like a bird?

    Have a nice weekend!!


  10. I haven't read Back in a while. Thanks for the reminder of his words with this stunning photo.

  11. Love the cloud eruption, it's so volcanic.

  12. Love both the clouds and the quote, magnificent,
    thank you!

  13. Spectacular cloud. Excellent capture.

  14. Thank you, guys, for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate your visit. Enjoy sky-watching!

  15. hi, gizelle! i was singing 'can you read my mind?' while taking this shot (hehehe). this was taken on a flight from davao to manila 2 weeks ago.:D


I'm glad you found your way here. I appreciate the time you took to leave a comment. *xoxo*