
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Photo-Hunter: Dark

This gnarled tree evokes “dark” images in my head. I’m a Tim Burton fan, and it’s probably the reason why this photo reminds me of Sleepy Hollow and the Headless Horseman.

This "dark" cavern is near the entrance of the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Palawan. This is one of the longest in the world, with an 8.2 kilometers navigable underground river.

To read more about the subterranean river, you can check out my
Palawan post.

The Plaza Cuartel in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, has a “dark” past. This was a Japanese garrison during World War II where 143 American POW’s were burned alive by the Japanese Kempetai in December 1944. The ruins of this old garrison are a grim reminder of the atrocities of war.
More Photo-Hunters in TN Chick.


  1. Wonderful and interesting photographs! Love this post. Quite dark in deed

  2. Oh wow....GREAT photos. I love Tim Burton too. [AND Johnny Depp!]

    Mine's posted. Stop by if you can. You can see a dark sinister creature. [kidding of course] Have a super weekend.

  3. Great choices for this week's theme! The first too are really dark :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog & commenting :)

  4. WOW! That is so surreal. Great shots.

  5. Such beautiful shades of darkness in these pics! Enjoyed all of this posting!

  6. Beautiful shots - love that tree!
    Thanks for visiting me, happy weekend!

  7. Black absolute darkness..nice shot

  8. Beautiful photos of darkness.
    Interesting perspective- the tree.
    Thank you for your comment on
    Photohunter from Mumbai

  9. An eXcellent collection of shots and interesting descriptions. The underground river is fascinating!

  10. I like your choices very much. The dark of the old garrison is particularly sombre.

  11. The tree looks like it is going to reach out and grab you.


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