
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

When you can't think of anything to blog

...a meme is the only way to go. Thanks, Crissy!

Name Four Scents You Love

  • Allure by Chanel (the bottle is almost empty!)

  • baby's scent

  • freshly-brewed coffee

  • freshly cut grass

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now

  • Syet, I need to clean my desk before Friday!

  • Did I call Bais' tourism office?

  • Oh, boss already left and I forgot to give him my leave form!

  • Oh,'s raining again!

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought

  • notebooks, notebooks, notebooks for my nephews

  • dog biscuits for Fritz

  • a box of 'food for the gods'

  • a kilo of grapes

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink

  • coffee

  • orange juice with pulp

  • iced tea

  • mango shake

Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It

  • Last Fritz. He licked my toe afterwards.

Last Time You Cried?

  • About 2 hours ago, after I saw the photos of the victims in Burma

What's In Your Music Player?

  • If I write them all here, I'd miss my dinner. Currently, I have more than 1,000 songs in my pc and currently playing Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here". It's a mix of classic rock, jazz and blues.

What's Under Your Bed?

  • 3 suitcases and lots of dust, I suppose

What Time Did You Wake Up Today?

  • 8:30 am but I left my bed around 9 am

Current Hair?

  • layered cut just below my shoulders

Current Clothes?

  • red, black and white striped shirt and black RL jeans

Current Desktop Picture?

  • red chili peppers

Current Worry?

  • That I won't be able to get seats in a boat for dolphin and whale watching

Current Hate?

  • the traffic jam outside

Favorite Physical Features Of The Opposite Sex?

  • chest, butt, clean nails

Last CD You Bought?

  • Best of Aerosmith, The Millennium Collection, a few months ago.

Favorite Places To Be?

  • my living room

  • my cubicle in the office

  • Italianis-Greenbelt

  • The Spa in Bonifacio High Street

Least Favorite Places?

  • dental clinic

  • hospital's emergency room

  • a crowded mall

  • stuck in traffic

If You Could Play An Instrument?

  • a violin

Favorite Color(s)?

  • red and black

Do You Believe In An Afterlife ?

  • Hmmm...can I call a friend? hehehe

How Tall Are You?

  • 5'2"

Current Favorite Word/Saying ?

  • Syet!

  • I wish!

Favorite Season?

  • the season after Christmas but before Summer..meron bang gano'n?

One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To

  • my father

Favorite Day?

  • Sundays and holidays :D

Where Would You Like To Go ?

  • Jerusalem

How Many Kids Do You Want ?

  • too late...:D next question, please

Favorite Car?

  • a vintage Ferrari convertible


  1. I'm starting to really like your taste in music. Aerosmith fan ka rin pala? Alright! :D

    I also enjoy coffee and orange juice with a lot of pulp. In fact, I'm having an OJ right now. :)

    I don't like crowded malls too. In fact, I don't like crowds. I hate going to places where it's impossible for me to even hear myself think.

    Great post. :)

  2. I listen to jazz, blues...but I'm a rocker by heart. Love those guitar-wielding rock stars. One of my favorite fantasies is to play a guitar like Jimmy Page (of Led Zep) or Keith Richards (of Rolling Stones). Fantasy lang yon, ha?! :D

    I should drink lots of water...perod syempre mas masarap yong may flavor.:)

    It's probably a sign of "maturity", this aversion to crowded places.:D

    Thank you, Panaderos.

  3. You are going to Bais? Wow I am sure you will have a great time there specially in the Sand Bar. I have seen lots of dolphins there but was not able to see a single whale. Have a safe trip.

  4. Unlike you I don't like the smell of cut grass hehe...Same with the emergency room though, especially if I am there because of my older son =(

    I think the season after Christmas and before summer is what we call here as Spring!

    many mini things we learned about you!

  5. I wish we have an official Spring here.:D The cool December to March weather is my favorite.

    Thank you, Gizelle.

  6. As fate would have it, my trip to Bais was cancelled. But I spent the past few days in another beautiful island.:) The dolphins will have to wait. Will post some pics soon. Thank you, lawstude.


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